The Adventurer's Guild is a location in Wizardry Variants Daphne. There are many of these all around the kingdom[1], but the one that the protagonist uses is located in Luknalia. The Luknalia Adventurer's Guild's receptionist is Arna.
This displays a list of Requests to Accept. Requests are tasks given with a reward, usually with additional rewards given if done fully.
Dispatch allows the protagonist to accept Dispatches: sending adventurers they own on non-expiring quests for multiple hours. These dispatches have recommended levels, dispatch conditions, and different rewards. The dispatch is actually somewhat performed by the adventurer(s) sent, so it's important to send appropriately stocked, equipped, and leveled units. Dispatches are unlocked as the player progresses through the story. As a result, using the Cursed Wheel to rewind to before the dispatch is unlocked will cancel that dispatch.
Adventurer Log
The log allows the Protagonist to register an adventurer, after restoring their remains in the Ruins.
This allows the Protagonist to assign or return adventurers from his list to, and from, his party.
There are NPCs in the tavern that show up with information. Some NPCs will only appear depending on set conditions.
- Scrawny Old Man (Old Male Human)
- Acts as an inviter for inviting other players to the game with a provided invite code.
- Strange Man (Male Jester)
- Warns about hobgoblins and recommends how to fight against them.
- Guild Expert (Male Elf)
- Provides the player with information about Classes, Races, Types, and Personalities.
- Town Girl (Female Human)
- Warns about staying in a stable at an inn.
- Soldier (Male Human Knight)
- Warns about goblin spellcasters in the Abyss.
Party Conversation
Other than NPCs, sometimes after returning to town from explorations, one of the protagonist's party members will invite them to the tavern. The adventurer, and sometimes a second party member, will discuss with the protagonist about how their adventure went for one topic: ambushes, traps, or if the adventure went without any casualties. The protagonist is asked about the topic with three responses, each giving a favorable or unfavorable response to the party member, affecting their Affinity.
Sometimes, visiting the tavern will show another player's full party. They can be interacted with to view their members, send a friend request (if not friends already), and leave a message. Up to 50 friendships can be made. A friend's party can be sent to the tavern, where the player can view their party information. The player can also leave them a message, which is retained for 90 days.
Training Room
A member of the party can be selected to upgrade them.
- Learning
- Expending Clock Tome Volumes as experience into their level.
- Grade Up
- Allows the adventurer to increase their grade, raising their level cap by 10.
- For more information, see Guild Tags.
- Inherit Skill
- An adventurer that the player has restored can be consumed to give a specific unit's passive or active to the selected adventurer. If the skill is already learned, then it will act as experience towards that skill.
- Bondmates
- Throughout the story, and by completing requests with specific conditions, an NPC will become a bondmate for their player. Bondmates can be linked to any adventurer that the protagonist owns, and will provide the attached adventurer a skill. Bondmates can be leveled by replaying the event that recruits them, but some are unable to be leveled. To remove a bondmate, an item must be used, which will detach the bondmate and reset the bondmate to level 1.
- Class Change
- An adventurer can switch classes if the player owns a Class Change scroll.
- Discipline
- The selected adventurer can consume their own duplicate in order to strengthen their unique skill.
Guild Mailbox
Supplies sent by the game's developers are recieved here.
Supplies are split into two categories: "Today's Supplies" and "Special Supplies". The former is a daily item(s) given to the player when opened. The latter are the same as dailies, but only provided if event(s) are currently undergoing).
Guild Board
This article or section lacks enough Experience Points to have a rank. You can help by sending it to a dungeon to fight some battles so it can gain its first ranks. |