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A party is a recurring terminology whom the player takes control a group of character throughout the game, especially in the dungeon and during battles. In every Wizardry games, usually only allow a limit of six, but in few select games such as Wizardry Chapter 1 only allow up to four. In instances, the player often has to assign or add them manually, usually on tavern or bar.

Front row

The front row are the first area, usually comprised of three character formation slots. They are at the front of the party, and are the only ones able to damage and be damaged by the enemies. This only applies to melee range physical attacks, however spells and ranged attacks such as bows and slings can hit any member of the party, regardless if they are in the front line or not.

Back row

The back row are the second area, usually comprised of three character formation slots in rear. They are more fragile ones may benefit from having a few fighters between them and the enemy. A thief and spellcasters should stay in the back so they can dole out a little damage without being in range of enemy attacks.

Castle - Town - Races - Classes - Dungeon - Combat - Spells - Turn - Action - Level - Experience - Party - Skills - Items - Gold - Equipment - Fight - Parry - Damage - Hide - Use - Equip - Flee - Accuracy - Ailments - Drops - Encounter - Random Encounters - Fixed Encounters - Ambush - Difficulty - Armor Class - Reorder - Teleportation
Stat parameters
Strength - I.Q. - Piety - Vitality - Agility/Dexterity - Luck
Tavern - Inn - Trading Post - Temple - Training Grounds - Monsters - Armor Class - Alignment - Disarming - Summoning - Level Drain - Decapitation - Interaction - Ashes - Age - Title
Cosmic Forge Trilogy
Speed - Senses - Rest - Scouting - Oratory - Legerdemain - Skullduggery - Music - Swimming (W7 & W8) - Artifacts - Mythology - Scribe - Thaumaturgy - Alchemy - Theology - Theosophy - Ninjutsu - Kirijutsu
BUSIN series
Quests - Critical - Trust - Party Rank - Allied Actions - Trap Game - Vellum - Monster Materials - Mutated Stones - Moon System
Wizardry Variants Daphne
Reversal - Element Type - Fortitude - Grade - Bondmates - Action Speed
Wizardry Clone