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Masolotu is a priest spell appearing exclusively in Wizardry Variants Daphne. It is known for conjuring apparition that grants evasion to three allies in a row for certain turns depending on spell levels.


Level MP Cost Description Detail
1 3 Conjures an apparition that increases the Evasion and of 1 ally row for 3 turns. Evasion incrementally increased further based on skill level. More turns added.
2 4
3 7
4 9
5 16 Conjures an apparition that increases the Evasion and of 1 ally row for 4 turns.
6 18
7 24 Conjures an apparition that increases the Evasion and of 1 ally row for 7 turns.

Flavor text

Game Text
Wizardry Variants Daphne
Conjures an apparition that increases the Evasion and of 1 ally row for <number of> turns.


Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes
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(United States)



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Debuffing spells Balafeos - Batilgref - Dilto - Kantios - Katino - Montino - Morlis
Offensive spells Badios - Erlik - Feru - Foros - Halito - Labadios - Laerlik - Laferu - Laforos - Lahalito - Lamigal - Lazelos - Maerlik - Maferu - Maforos - Mahalito - Mamigal - Marein - Mazelos - Migal - Zelos
Support spells Abit - Caldia - Diador - Dialko - Dios - Kinapic - Kusfis - Latumofis - Macaldia - Madios - Mahaitos - Makaltu - Masolotu - Porto - Reilis - Reinikus - Zilfis