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html {
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/* Logo */
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    background-image: url(/images/e/e6/Site-logo.png?ab305);

/* Background */
body {
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/* Notification */
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/* reposition logo */
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/* resize logo */
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/* top navigation offset */
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/* Footer */
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/* Sidebar */
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/* text color */
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/* Tables */
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/* version history diff */
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/* ToC */
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/* Portable Infobox */
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/* Tabber */
.tabber {
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/* Category footer */
.catlinks {
    background: transparent;
    border: 2px solid #fff;
    border-radius: .4rem;

/* Copyright CC-BY-SA icon */
/* Copied from Terraria wiki */
	/* self */
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#footer-info-copyright img{
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	right: 0;
	/* mediawiki logo is 31px height, and this image has a 1px black border, 
	   a small tweak to make them visually matched on size and position */
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	height: 33px;
	width: auto;
.ace_text-input {
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/* temporary fixes */
table {
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.mw-rcfilters-ui-changesListWrapperWidget .mw-changeslist-legend {
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/* wikitable and cargoTable main */
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/* wikitable and cargoTable header */
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.mw-datatable > tr > th,
.mw-datatable > * > tr > th,
.mw-json > tr > th,
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/* wikitable and cargoTable data */
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.mw-datatable > tr > td,
.mw-datatable > * > tr > td,
.mw-json > tr > td,
.mw-json > * > tr > td,
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.cargoTable > * > tr > td,
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.mw_metadata td,
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.cargoTable > * > tr:hover > td,
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.mw-datatable > * > tr:hover > td,
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ul {
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.fp-section { overflow-x: hidden }
.portable-infobox .pi-navigation {
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.thumb .thumbcaption {
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/* Search */
#mw-searchoptions .mw-search-profile-tabs .search-types {
	background-color: transparent;

/* #region [[Wizardry Wiki:Community portal]] & Noticeboard */
/* Copied from ARK Wiki */
.feature {
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.cpbox {
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