Wizardry Wiki:Requests for permissions

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This is an enforced policy on Wizardry Wiki. This means that this page details the standard that all editors are expected to follow. To suggest any changes to this policy, please refer to the talk page.

This is the page where users can request additional permissions on Wizardry Wiki. Please read the following regulations and instructions completely before voting or placing a request.

For additional information about Administrators, please see the Administrators' how-to guide and What administrators cannot do.

In the event that an Administrator or Rollbacker is being unruly or breaking the rules, a request for their demotion may be placed below in the Requests for demotion header. The same voting rules apply for this as well. The vote totals required for their demotion remain the same as those for promotions as well.

Rules for requests

Each user's request will run for two weeks, during which members of the community will vote on the request. An applicant may and should inform other users of his or her application.

If the applicant meets the vote quota in that time, then he or she shall be given the promotion. If an applicant obtains the needed support votes without obtaining any oppose votes before the allotted two weeks have expired, he or she will be promoted without having to wait the remainder of the two weeks. (Note to Bureaucrats: In this situation, allow at least one full day before promoting a candidate in order to give users ample time to cast their votes.) If an applicant receives only support votes, despite not receiving the necessary amount of votes, they will still be promoted after the required two weeks have passed.

In special occasions, a user may apply if he or she has less than the required amount of edits and/or time limit of active membership under the discretion of active admins (To be discussed on talk pages or forums).

If the applicant does not meet the required votes in two weeks, the request will be archived as "opposed". After a failed request, for both Rollback and Administrator rights, a user must wait 4 weeks (1 month) before requesting again.


In order to apply for Rollback rights, an applicant must have:

  1. A minimum of 400 mainspace edits
  2. A minimum of 2 months of active membership

An applicant must obtain a vote total of +4 or higher or a unanimous vote total to be promoted (see Voting).


In order to apply for Administrator rights, an applicant must have:

  1. A minimum of 750 mainspace edits
  2. A minimum of two months of active membership after obtaining Rollback rights (4 months total).


  1. A minimum of 1250 mainspace edits
  2. A minimum of six weeks of active membership after obtaining Rollback rights (3 1/2 or more months total).

When an Administrator has been inactive for a substantial amount of time, their Administrator rights will be removed, but their rollback rights are retained. To regain their Administrator rights, they are required to actively contribute to Wizardry Wiki for at least 1 month, at which time they can reapply.

Regardless of the aforementioned requirements, a user must obtain a vote total of +6 or higher or a unanimous vote total to be promoted (see Voting).


Bureaucrats are only served by wiki.gg staffs.

Nominating and voting

To nominate a user, first inform the user you wish to nominate, by asking on their talk page if they accept or decline the nomination (unnecessary for a self-nomination). If they accept, create a page for hosting the poll on the user's additional rights. The page's title should be of the form "Wizardry Wiki:Requests for permissions/<username> (<group>)", replacing <username> with the name of the nominee, and <group> with the title of the group they are being nominated for (i.e. "Patrol" for patroller, "Administrator" for administrator). Copy the following code into the new page, again replacing the <username> and <group> variables (here, the group page title will be "Patrollers" for patroller, and "Administrators" for administrator, but otherwise as above):

This page is for discussing [[User:<username>|<username>]]'s nomination for [[Wizardry Wiki:<group>|<group>]]. Please vote on and discuss this nomination below.
* ''Voting began at ~~~~~.''

== Support ==
# ~~~~

== Oppose ==

== Comments ==

[[Category:Requests for permissions|{{SUBPAGENAME}}]]

You may wish to add your reasons for nominating this user to the "Comments" section. Nominating yourself is acceptable - this is more common for patrollers than administrators and bureaucrats. Then, notify the community of the vote by adding it to the News template on the main page (or ask an administrator to do it for you if you can't edit the page yourself). On this page, link to the voting page in the appropriate section below like so, replacing the appropriate variables:

* [[Wizardry Wiki:Requests for permissions/<username> (<group>)|<username>]]

When voting on a nomination, add the following to the line below the previous vote in that section:

# ~~~~

If you are opposing the nomination, you may wish to explain your reasons in the "Comments" section. Please ensure that criticism is constructive and polite. Opposing votes accompanied with a comment such as "no way this user is an idiot trolololol" will be ignored. If you have nothing good to say, it's probably best left unsaid, but please don't use this as an excuse for opposing someone without giving a reason.

If you have been nominated, and initially accepted the nomination, but later wish to decline, please post in the "Comments" section indicating your reasons for declining. An administrator or bureaucrat should then lock the voting page, and remove any links to it that have been posted to the News template or this page.

After one week of voting has passed, or there are a significant number of votes for or against the nomination that are unlikely to swing the other way any time soon, an administrator or bureaucrat may close the vote and take action based on the result. In any case, the voting page should be fully protected, and the links to it from this page and the the News template should be removed. If the nomination failed, no further action is necessary. If the nomination was successful, go to Special:UserRights, enter the to-be-promoted user's name, and follow the instructions there to grant them their new rights.


Autopatrol is generally not voted on. Instead, an administrator or bureaucrat may award this group to users whose edits are of consistently high quality, and who have proven themselves to be trustworthy enough not to need patrolling by administrators and patrollers.

Requests for promotion

  • none

Requests for demotion

  • none