Blog:Wizardry Wiki June 2024 Update

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Hello Wizardry fans. As you can see, Wizardry Wiki on Fandom already out of spite, Tagaziel of Fandom Wiki Representative went contributing on its former host furiously, has revoked DiscordIntegrator connected within this server that we left behind after the wiki was moved on. So we suggest you never visit, promote and contribute on its former host, instead head over to it's newer host.

Don't let Fandom or Tagaziel ruin our community, even the Wizardry RPG series community. Please spread the word to everyone, including communities and friends you know as you can.

Have and encourage to install either Redirect, Indie Wiki Buddy, or both extensions on your/everyone web browser. We're also lacking on active editors too so please help us out ASAP before the former overtake our page quantities. Don't have an account? Worry not, just simply create one.


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