Template:Cite book

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This is a variant of the {{cite}} template that is to be used when you are pulling a quote or information from a book that is NOT A MANUAL, such as a strategy guide or any of the manga. This is to be used to cite sources, and should be used within <ref></ref> tags.


To use, enter this code:

{{Cite book | quote= [the quote] | author= [book author] | book= [book title]| publisher= [the book's publisher]| page= [the page(s) the quote appears on] }}

Replace the parts in [ brackets ] like so:

  • quote
    • The direct quote.
  • author
    • The book's author
  • book
    • The FULL TITLE of the book that the quote is from.
  • publisher
    • The publisher of the book (J-Novel, Prima Lifestyles, etc.).
  • page
    • The number of the page(s) the quote appears on.


{Cite book|quote="Kafaref tai nuunzamne (''Stop, O soul, thy name is sleep'')!"|book=BLADE & BASTARD: Return of The Hrathnir Volume 3|publisher=J-Novel}}

Will generate:

"Kafaref tai nuunzamne (Stop, O soul, thy name is sleep)!" (BLADE & BASTARD: Return of The Hrathnir Volume 3 (J-Novel))