User talk:Kcrescenzi/Glitches and Tricks

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Yes this is just a cut and paste copy of information from 2 other pages I edited or made. Yes I will cut it down and get technical with why I think the glitches work. Yes I will add in the stuff about the parts of the maze in Wizardry V I've found that have doorways and hallways and no apparent purpose, and seem to be self-inclosed death chambers. All in good time.

Add to this please. I know there is more stuff in these games to break open. Although I am happy that it seems like I'm the only person who discovered the money glitch, the soulstealer thing was discovered by someone else, not sure who, but not me. (I did find it when I was 12 and playing Wiz V on a SNES in the days when emulation was new and Chrono Trigger was a dream in the minds of ROM hackers so there is a chance I discovered that one too, I was 12 though and couldn't very well write up an explanation for what the **** was going on with it).