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Ihalon (イハロンIharon) is a priest spell debuted on Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom that usually serves as level 7 tier spell.


When casted, the spell will prompt to bestow each benefits on a character. These include the following; such as raising one of their primary attributes by one, decreasing their age by 6~8 years, or lifting cursed item on their equipment. Any option not shown indicates that benefit cannot be conferred. For example, the option to decrease age will not appear for an underage character of 25 or 26, and a human with 18 strength will not have the option to have their strength raised.

See also

  • Zilfe, an alchemy spell that lifts cursed item.
Mage Level 1 Dumapic - Halito - Katino - Mogref - Ponti
Level 2 Bolatu - Desto - Melito - Morlis
Level 3 Calific - Cortu - Kantios - Mahalito
Level 4 Lahalito - Litofeit - Rokdo - Tzalik
Level 5 Bacortu - Madalto - Palios - Socordi - Vaskyre
Level 6 Mamogref - Lakanito - Lokara - Zilwan
Level 7 Abriel - Mahaman - Malor - Mawxiwtz - Tiltowait
Priest Level 1 Badios - Dios - Kalki - Milwa - Porfic
Level 2 Calfo - Kandi - Katu - Montino
Level 3 Bamatu - Dialko - Hakanido - Latumapic - Lomilwa
Level 4 Badial - Bariko - Dial - Latumofis - Maporfic
Level 5 Badi - Bamordi - Di - Dialma - Mogato
Level 6 Badi - Kakamen - Loktofeit - Madi
Level 7 Bakadi - Ihalon - Kadorto - Mabariko