Status effects

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A status effects, ailments, or simply status (状態, Jotai), refers to the presence of a playable character sustained by an abnormal condition during battle under certain circumstances that interferes with their ability to perform in combat. Typically inflicted by a certain weapons, spells, traps, or monsters, or by hazards in a dungeon tile itself.








A character can be paralyzed in a number of different ways such as setting off a certain traps (e.g. Stunner) from a treasure chest, getting hit by a monsters with the paralyze ability. A character who is paralyzed cannot act in any way--no fighting, casting spells, identifying, or using items.

Paralysis can be cured, however, by having another party member cast the priest spell Dialko or Madi on the affected character. It can also be cured by helping the affected character at the Temple of Cant --for a price. The cost to cure a paralyzed character is 100 gold per level.

When a character is paralyzed at the end of a battle (whether he was paralyzed during the battle or before it), he is not included in the distribution of experience points or treasure. If the entire party is stoned, the game will automatically lead to the death screen or results in an instant game over.


A character can be poisoned in a number of ways, such as the easiest way is to set off a certain traps (e.g. Poison Needle) on a chest, getting hit by a monsters with the poison ability. Chests in deeper levels can also have Gas Bomb traps which have a good chance of poisoning every member of the party if they are set off.

When a character is poisoned, their hit points diminish gradually until he is cured or leaves the maze. Inside the maze, the poison's effect does NOT wear off after some time like in other RPGs.  However, while poisoned, the character can still fight, cast spells, identify items, be healed, and everything else he could otherwise do while OK.

Poison can be cured by the priest spells Latumofis and Madi, or by using certain items such as Antidote.




A character can be turned to stone (aka stoned or petrified) in a couple of different ways such as getting hit by a monsters the stone ability and setting off certain traps. A character who is stoned cannot act in any way--no fighting, casting spells, identifying, or using items.

Stoned status can only be cured by having another party member cast Madi or similar spell on the affected character or by helping them at the Temple of Cant. The cost to cure such a rocky character is 200 gold per level.

When a character is stoned at the end of a battle (whether he was petrified during the battle or before it), he is not included in the distribution of experience points or treasure. If the entire party is stoned, the game will automatically lead to the death screen or results in an instant game over.





Chart of status effect appearances



See also

  • Hazard
Castle - Town - Dungeon - Combat - Spells - Turn - Action - Level - Experience - Party - Skills - Items - Gold - Equipment - Fight - Parry - Damage - Hide - Use - Equip - Flee - Accuracy - Ailments - Drops - Encounter - Random Encounters - Fixed Encounters - Ambush - Difficulty - Armor Class - Reorder - Teleportation
Tavern - Inn - Trading Post - Temple - Training Grounds - Monsters - Armor Class - Alignment - Disarming - Summoning - Level Drain - Decapitation - Interaction - Ashes - Age - Title
Cosmic Forge Trilogy
Rest - Scouting - Oratory - Legerdemain - Skullduggery - Music - Swimming (W7 & W8) - Artifacts - Mythology - Scribe - Thaumaturgy - Alchemy - Theology - Theosophy - Ninjutsu - Kirijutsu
BUSIN series
Quests - Critical - Trust - Party Rank - Allied Actions - Trap Game - Vellum - Monster Materials - Mutated Stones - Moon System
Wizardry Renaissance
WizJewels (WR)
Rewind (WVD) - Wizardry Clone