Template:PGMO Items

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Weapons Long Sword - Short Sword - Anointed Mace - Anointed Flail - Staff - Dagger - Sword of Slicing - Blade of Biting - Mace of Pounding - Rod of Iron - Sword of Swishes - Épée of Dismay - Mace of Misfortune - Studly Staff - Dragon Slayer - Sword of Slashing - Épée of Excellence - Mace of Power - Were Slayer - Mage Masher - Mace of Snakes - Rod of Silence - Blade Cusinart - Épée of Disaster - Dagger of Slicing - Morbid Mace - Bent Staff - Dagger of Speed - Saber of Evil - Soul Slayer - Thieves Dagger - Muramasa Blade - Shuriken
Armors Robes - Leather Armor - Chainmail - Breastplate - Plate Mail - Padded Leather - Shiny Chain - Sturdy Plate - Body Armor - Rotten Leather - Corroded Chain - Broken Breastplate - Treated Leather - Elven Chain - 1st Class Plate - Chain of Evil - Neutral Plate - Robe of Curses - Leather of Loss - Chain of Curse - Devil's Breastplate - Breastplate of Boons - Armor of Heroes - Armor of Lords - Armor of Freon - Armor of Evil
Shields Small Shield - Large Shield - Iron Shield - Screwy Shield - Shield of Support - Shield of Evil - Shield of Nothing - Shield of Defense
Helms Helm - Helm of Hardiness - Helm of Evil - Ring of Movement - Helm of Hangovers
Gauntlets Copper Gloves - Silver Gloves
Items Broken Item - Potion of Dios - Potion of Latumofis - Potion of Katino - Potion of Badios (A/B) - Potion of Halito - Jeweled Amulet - Potion of Sopic - Scroll of Lomilwa - Scroll of Dilto - Potion of Dial - Ring of Porfic - Amulet of Manifo - Rod of Flame - Amulet of Makanito - Scroll of Badial - Ring of Healing - Priest's Ring - Ring of Death - Amulet of Werdna - Statue of Bear - Statue of Frog - Bronze Key - Silver Key - Gold Key - Blue Ribbon