Template:ROW Items

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Usable Items in The Return of Werdna
Weapons Holy Hand Grenade of Aunty Ock - East Wind Sword - West Wind Sword - Dragon's Claw - Hopalong Carrot - Kris of Truth - Staff - Dagger - Staff of Mogref - Staff +2 - Mage Masher - Staff of Montino - Dagger +2 - Dagger of Speed
Armors Robes - Oxygen Mask - Lord's Garb
Mantles Good Hope Cape - Cape of Jackal - Lich's Robe - Twilight Cloak - Shadow Cloak - Darkness Cloak - Night Cloak - Entropy Cloak
Helms Maintenance Cap - Magician's Hat - Novice's Cap - Initiate Turban - Wizard Skullcap - Diadem of Malor - Skull's Cap - Adept Baldness - Cone of Silence
Gauntlets Saint Rimbo Digit - Mythril Glove
Misc Winged Boots - Cleansing Oil - Witching Rod - Aromatic Ball - Void Transducer - Inn Key - Crystal Rose - Dab of Puce - Pennonceaux - Saint K.A.'s Foot - Mordorcharge - Ring of Porfic - Amulet of Manifo - Rod of Flame - Amulet of Makanito - Ring of Healing - Ring of Dispelling - Ring of Death - Demonic Chimes - Black Candle - Black Box - Saint Trebor Rump - Bish's Tongue - Arrow of Truth - Orb of Dreams - Rallying Horn - Signet Ring - Holy Limp Wrist
Items Bloodstone - Lander Turquoise - Amber Dragon - Dreampainter Ka - Potion of Dios - Potion of Porfic - Potion of Katino - Potion of Badios - Potion of Halito - Jeweled Amulet - Potion of Badial (A/B) - Potion of Sopic - Scroll of Dilto - Potion of Dial - Ring of Masopic - Get out of Jail Free - Golden Pyrite - Arabic Diary