Template:POTB Spells

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Mage Level 1 Shield - Sleep - Spark - Stone - Wizard Eye
Level 2 Darkness - Fire - Haste - Mega Shield - Terror - Unlock Door
Level 3 Confusion - Detect Door - Magic Screen - Mega Fire - Thunder - Total Terror
Level 4 Energy Bolt - Freeze - Giga Fire - Levitate - Petrify - Prismic Ray
Level 5 Anti-Magic - Clear Magic - Conjuration - Giga Energy Bolt - Mega Freeze
Level 6 Deadly Air - Deadly Chasm - Giga Freeze - Giga Shield - Six Boons - Turn Undead
Level 7 Maelstrom - Nuclear Blast - Prismic Missile - Seventh Boon - Teleportation
Priest Level 1 Armor - Brightness - Buckler - Heal - Punish
Level 2 Charm - Divine Trap - Locate Person - Mega Armor - Silence
Level 3 Break Screen - Cure Paralysis - Giga Armor - Magic Light - Mega Heal - Name Monsters
Level 4 Blades - Cure Poison - Mega Punish - Protection - Reduce Magic
Level 5 Death - Firewall - Giga Heal - Giga Punish - Raise Dead - Summon Elemental
Level 6 Astral Gate - Cure All - Evacuate - Firestorm - Steal Life - Whirlwind
Level 7 Carnage - Heal Party - Meteor Swarm - Prodigy - Raise Ash - Word of Curse