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Not to be confused with Valkyrie class or the monster.

Vaskyre (バスカイアBasukaira) is a fifth-level Mage spell in the series debuted in Heart of the Maelstrom. It is known for inflicting random effects against a group of enemies. The stronger equivalent being Mawxiwtz.


In Heart of the Maelstrom

Vaskyre can be learned by Mage, Bishop and Samurai while levelling up in Adventurer's Inn. When casted, Vaskyre inflicts ray of random status effects against single group of opponents.

Wizardry Gaiden series

Vaskyre in Wizardry Gaiden series is only available up to Wizardry Gaiden III: Scripture of the Dark, has the same purpose as above. It also can be learned by Bard in the third game.

Flavor text


Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes
Flag of United States
(United States)


Also spelled as VASKYRE.

Flag of Japan


Romanized as Vaskyra.



See also

Mage Level 1 Dumapic - Halito - Katino - Mogref - Ponti
Level 2 Bolatu - Desto - Melito - Morlis
Level 3 Calific - Cortu - Kantios - Mahalito
Level 4 Lahalito - Litofeit - Rokdo - Tzalik
Level 5 Bacortu - Madalto - Palios - Socordi - Vaskyre
Level 6 Mamogref - Lakanito - Lokara - Zilwan
Level 7 Abriel - Mahaman - Malor - Mawxiwtz - Tiltowait
Priest Level 1 Badios - Dios - Kalki - Milwa - Porfic
Level 2 Calfo - Kandi - Katu - Montino
Level 3 Bamatu - Dialko - Hakanido - Latumapic - Lomilwa
Level 4 Badial - Bariko - Dial - Latumofis - Maporfic
Level 5 Badi - Bamordi - Di - Dialma - Mogato
Level 6 Badi - Kakamen - Loktofeit - Madi
Level 7 Bakadi - Ihalon - Kadorto - Mabariko

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