Temple of Gnilda

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Wizardry II:The Knight of Diamonds

The quest of Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds takes place in the Temple of Gnilda. In the temple, the characters learn that Gnilda himself has taken the Staff of Gnilda away as the City of Llylgamyn has become unworthy of its protection. Within the temple, the five parts of the Knight of Diamonds's armor are hidden. The characters have to find them and present them to the apparition of Gnilda on the temple's first level.

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Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn

The temple was damaged in an earthquake, one of the many natural disasters leading to the events of Wizardry III. It can be assumed that the Staff of Gnilda was left inside the temple after its retrieval in Wizardry II.

However, the temple does not feature in the game itself again.


The Ultimate Wizardry Archives (Manual), p. 63.