Ace (Type-0)

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Ace is a Class Zero Cadet of Dominion of Rubrum, and the main protagonist of Final Fantasy Type-0. He was also a playable unit in Wizrogue: Labyrinth of Wizardry as part of limited-time Final Fantasy Agito collaboration alongside Miyū Kagirohi and Kurasame Susaya.[1]


Main article: Ace (Type-0) in Final Fantasy Wiki


Ace can be obtained once for free through a redeemable serial code after clearing a special quest from Final Fantasy Agito, as part of the collaboration that lasts June 18 until July 2, 2015.[1]

Rarity SR
Race Human
Gender Male
Class Mage
Alignment Good
Max HP*Level 1 12

Strength 14
I.Q. 16
Piety 16
Vitality 13
Agility 8
Luck 9

Mithril Card
Type 0 Equipment - Zero

Spell Enhance +2
Attack power by magic increases slightly.

Other appearances


