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A class (職業Shokugyō) refers to the occupation assumed by characters created within the games. The class chosen for the created character will influence the selection of equipment, the growth rate of statistics, and any possible abilities the character may learn or use.


Classes in the game represent typical archetypes of fantasy literature or role-playing games. Each class has a specific set of statistic requirements (equivalent to the "stats" or "ability scores" of other similar games), which must be met to be eligible for said class. The first Wizardry games allowed the player to decide the statistic allocation and then choose the class for the character; later editions reversed the choice by allowing the player to choose from a list of classes to which the character may access by means of statistical allocation, and then the rest of the stat point are to be allocated freely.

The selection of class for the character is crucial, as it determines which are the abilities of the user and the equipment it is capable of using. Some classes, such as the Fighter, work best at the front line of the group, capable of causing great physical damage and receiving an equal amount in exchange. Others, such as Priests and Mages, should remain in the back row supporting with spells.

As the game progresses and the player has explored deeper in the dungeons (the setting of the game), a character who has earned enough stat points has the chance of changing its class to a new one, which has some advantages and disadvantages. When a character changes classes, they are effectively a first-level (beginner) member of the class, but they are allowed to keep some of the abilities, as well as the Hit Points earned by training at the other class. For example, a Mage that changes classes into a Fighter effectively becomes a level one Fighter, but retains the amount of Hit Points acquired as a Mage, as well as retaining the spells it learned. The Mage-turned-Fighter, however, loses Spell Points gained as a result of the class, keeping only one point per spell retained; as well, changing class often results in an age increase, which may be dangerous for the character. Finally, the statistics of the character (aside from the mentioned above) return to the racial standards, which may result in a weaker character

A result of being capable of changing classes after the initial choice is access to unique classes that otherwise would be impossible to access. These classes (such as the Lord and Ninja) often have a combination of abilities from two earlier classes, and even possess new and unique abilities of their own. Their stat requirements are steeper than others to reflect such improvements.

List of Classes

This list includes all classes available to characters on all games of Wizardry. Some of the classes may not be available on all games.

Main series

Gaiden series

Starfish Series

BUSIN Series

Wizardry XTH Series

Wizardry Renaissance

Wizardry Variants Daphne

Wizardry Chronicle

Wizardry Chapter 1

Castle - Town - Races - Classes - Dungeon - Combat - Spells - Turn - Action - Level - Experience - Party - Skills - Items - Gold - Equipment - Fight - Parry - Damage - Hide - Use - Equip - Flee - Accuracy - Ailments - Drops - Encounter - Random Encounters - Fixed Encounters - Ambush - Difficulty - Armor Class - Reorder - Teleportation
Stat parameters
Strength - I.Q. - Piety - Vitality - Agility/Dexterity - Luck
Tavern - Inn - Trading Post - Temple - Training Grounds - Monsters - Armor Class - Alignment - Disarming - Summoning - Level Drain - Decapitation - Interaction - Ashes - Age - Title
Cosmic Forge Trilogy
Speed - Senses - Rest - Scouting - Oratory - Legerdemain - Skullduggery - Music - Swimming (W7 & W8) - Artifacts - Mythology - Scribe - Thaumaturgy - Alchemy - Theology - Theosophy - Ninjutsu - Kirijutsu
BUSIN series
Quests - Critical - Trust - Party Rank - Allied Actions - Trap Game - Vellum - Monster Materials - Mutated Stones - Moon System
Wizardry Variants Daphne
Reversal - Element Type - Fortitude - Grade - Bondmates - Action Speed
Wizardry Clone
Introduced in Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
Fighter - Thief - Priest - Mage - Bishop - Lord - Samurai - Ninja
Introduced in Bane of the Cosmic Forge
Bard - Alchemist - Psionic - Ranger - Monk - Valkyrie
Introduced in Wizardry 8
Introduced in Wizardry Empire
Archer - Avenger - Valiant - Musashi - Kunoichi - Summoner
Introduced in Princess of the Ancient
Berserker - Wizardry
Introduced in Chronicle
Swordsman - Priestess - Great Thief - Knight - Monarch
Introduced in BUSIN 0: Wizardry Alternative NEO
Gizoku - Paladin - Dark Knight - Shogun - Omnitsu - High Thief - Automata
Introduced in Academy of Frontier