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Creta (クレタKureta) is a first-level Sorceror spell that appears exclusively in BUSIN series debuted from Tale of the Forsaken Land. It is known for hurling a little fire against single opponent. The other stronger equivalents being Zakreta, Jakreta and Megadeth.


Creta can be learned and upgraded by using Creta Stone. When casted, Creta deals a small amount of flame damage against a single enemy. Its rank can be upgraded up to 30.

Magic Stone Ingredients


Flavor text

Game Text
Tale of the Forsaken Land
Inflicts flame damage to 1 enemy.
BUSIN 0: Wizardry Alternative NEO


Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes
Flag of United States
(United States)



Flag of Japan


Romanized as Kreta. Originating from a Japanese word of くれた which means "They gave me".



See also


Sorceror Level 1 Creta - Hardy - Spleem - Teal
Level 2 Yaiba - Zateal - Maps
Level 3 Zakreta - Jateal - Zaiba
Level 4 Delphus - Kuld - Jakreta
Level 5 Ash - Zakuld - Dipps - Undepps
Level 6 Punish - Merciful - Nirvana - Daiba - Jakuld
Level 7 Leap - Valhalla - Megadeth
Priest Level 1 Bless - Feal - Barrets - Kowt
Level 2 Conair - Strain - Sarome
Level 3 Conairu - Safeal - Parazkea - Conkowt
Level 4 Feals - Sabarrets - Poizkea - Jiscort
Level 5 Lafeal - Force - Stipyl - Shulard - Carcass
Level 6 Amok - Will - Deadly
Level 7 Cathedral - Stigma
Mage Level 1 Creta - Teal - Spleem - Analyze
Level 2 Zateal - Yaiba - Through - Ripu
Level 3 Kuld - Zakreta - Coat - Float
Level 4 Weak - Jateal - Zakuld - Escape
Level 5 Jakreta - Delay - Shroud - Cannibal
Level 6 Jakuld - Drain - Zashroud - Reflect
Level 7 Megadeth - Raid - Jashroud - Valhalla
Priest Level 1 Feal - Barrets - Thiefeye - Protect
Level 2 Sarome - Feeble - Bless - Poizkea
Level 3 Strain - Deeps - Trans - Parazkea
Level 4 Feals - Amok - Repeat - Fealkea
Level 5 Lafeal - Poison - Recover - Lumil
Level 6 Will - Uncurse - Carcass - Vital
Level 7 Stigma - Undead - Revive - Offset