Protagonist (Tale of the Forsaken Land)

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The Protagonist in Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land is an unnamed and silent character who is representing the player leader in-game.

This article or section lacks enough Experience Points to have a rank. You can help by sending it to a dungeon to fight some battles so it can gain its first ranks.

Playable Characters Protagonist - Aoba - Daniel - Grace - Hina - Kaza - Kulgan - Kyo Hattori - Michelle - Orphe Bright - Ricardo Dorephes - Rui - Sara McDuff - Virgo - Wolfe
Non-Playable Characters Annmarie - Bu'shin - Catherine - Elizabeth - Eric - Eugene Guestam - Fawn Azael - Francois - Garcia - Gotz - Geese Greeney - Gustav - Hannah - Helga - Kasta - Lisa Cassandra - LeDua Almsay - Lorenzo - Lucida - Lydia - Maria Fredel - Merrick Abdul - Odom - Oscar - Otelier - Palo - Paul Gadwin - Rose Avello - Rune - Sophia - Swordsman - Verge Andrews - Walter
Classes Human - Elf - Dwarf - Gnome - Hobbit
Races Warrior - Thief - Priest - Sorcerer - Bishop - Knight - Samurai - Ninja
Locations The Abyss - Bar Luna Light - Duhan - Guild - Labyrinth of Duhan - Lodgings - Salem Temple - Vigger's Shop
Terminology Allied Action - Magic Stone - Moon Phase - Vellum
Media Gotz' Trap Removal - Smile again - Soundtrack
Others Spells - Monsters - Weapons - Equipments - Items - Quest Lists - Gotz' Trap Game