Wizardry Gaiden: Suffering of the Queen/Walkthrough

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There is are reasonably comprehensive walkthrough/FAQs on Neoseeker. They are lacking some details however, and some information provided therein is slightly incorrect. So a few observations are provided to help you successfully finish the game completely.

Note that everything hereafter refers to the version patched with the Fan-made English Translation available on Romhacking.net.

Needless to say, Spoilers:

  1. To lock pick the door into the extra bonus floor (RB6F), you will need a thief of around level 18, preferably with 20+ agility (a hobbit in order words). Even so, if might take you dozens of attempts to pick the lock.
  2. To activate the Mimir encounter to get the Eye of Odin, you need to step on all eight pressure plates on RB3F. You do not need to this all in one visit to the dungeon. They don't reset when you go back to town. They might on a wipe when you're trying different characters, but with at least one character present in both parties, you do not need to redo them. When you step on the eighth and final plate (it does not matter which order you do them), that square becomes the Mimir Encounter.
  3. To reach one of these plates (via the normally unreachable area of RB4F on the top left of the map), you need to allow yourself to fall down the chute elsewhere on RB4F at 7N14E. Don't make the same mistake of having LITOFEIT (Float/Levitate) on which prevents you from falling down the chute. This is one place where to progress you need to allow your party to fall down the chute.
  4. The Walkthrough on Neoseeker claims you can reach this Top Left area of RB4F by floating over a couple of pits from the main entrance of the level. This is incorrect. Even levitating, you will be dropped down a level ("the floor is broken"). You need to go via the aforementioned Chute on the other side of the level.
  5. To grind for the Book of Nature item (see above) which allows you to import your character into WG2, you will need to have the shop entirely stocked with every type of different items available. This includes the Key and the Permit items, but not the Eye of Odin and Sword of Sorx. Once you do that, you will be given an item that when activated, gives you a code to input into Wizardry Gaiden II to allow the same characters (reset to level 1 and with reset statistics) to appear in that game.
  6. Whilst you can't MALOR into RB6F, you can teleport out, and you can freely teleport to any square you've already visited in all other levels of both dungeons.
  7. After defeating the Mimir encounter, this square becomes a spring where you can restore character's spells/MP. Freely, as many times as you want. As long as you keep one MALOR slot available, this means you can travel back and forth for as long as you want between different floors refilling your spells as needed.
  8. The rarest items that you need for the Book of Nature drop off the big bads of the game - Vampire Lords/Archdevils/Fiends/Maelifics, that you usually only find on RB6F. These chaps are usually vulnerable to Priest LABADI (Drain) spells followed by another hit/spell to finish them off). Otherwise your only guaranteed way to kill them in one shot is a Samurai with a Muramasa, which will slice through them like butter (Vampire Lords can have 400+ HP and will cast level 7 Mage spells for fun at you but the Muramasa will hit these for 500 points of damage each round easily enough) But to get a Muramasa, you need to kill one of them. Its the eternal Wizardry dilemma.
  9. Otherwise if you're going for the Book of Nature, and are level 20+, spend time hunting down Sidelles, Lycurguses, Raver Lords, Shahitsu, Tadatoki, and Oculuses. These can appear on almost any floor of the Reverse Dungeon, and reserve your level 7 spells for these. They have a small chance of dropping the top tier loot, but are much easier than the big bads mentioned earlier (in relative terms, this is Wizardry after all).
  10. If you use the Thief's Dagger to change your Thief into a Ninja, you will be required to earn all the extra XP you would have needed being a Thief of the same level as a Ninja, in order to advance as a Ninja. No shortcuts for you alas (again this is the Way of Wizardry).
  11. The reincarnation option into WG2 does work (if you're using the English language fan translations for both games) but you need to enter the exact same Character Name, as well as the exact same Password.
Characters Tylossum - Iris - Sorx
Races Human - Elf - Dwarf - Gnome - Hobbit
Classes Fighter - Thief - Priest - Mage - Bishop - Lord - Samurai - Ninja
Other Llylgamyn - Gilgamesh's Tavern - Adventurer's Inn - Boltac's Trading Post - Temple of Cant - Edge of Town - Training Grounds - Utilities - Maze
Media Novel - Manga - Soundtrack
Others Spells - Monsters - Weapons - Equipments - Items - Walkthrough