Wizardry Gaiden II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor/Walkthrough

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Unlike the first game, English-language Resources for Wizardry Gaiden II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor are thin on the ground. Mark Patraw's website is perhaps the only immediately-readable resource available if you don't understand Japanese, and Mark used this extensive Japanese-language website to assist him. in conjunction with those (the latter can be understood almostly entirely using Google Translate), a few observations are provided here to help you successfully finish the game completely.

Note that everything hereafter refers to the version patched with the Fan-made English Translation available on Romhacking.net.

Needless to say, Spoilers:

  1. WG2 is a much more straightforward game than WG1. The main dungeon is 10 levels, with a intermediate End Level, BF11, and then the actual End Dungeon, the Underworld.
  2. Once you gain access to the 2nd Elevator, which is around 4 steps from the first elevator, you can go straight to BF10 and grind from there (much like the original Wizardry Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord).
  3. Don't though, as you will be missing out a lot of backtracking around B5F-B7F to get a needed item, and a lot of time building your party and getting new items. The backtracking is nowhere near as obnoxious as in the first game, but it's a similar type of thing.
  4. The final boss of the game is on the Underworld level where the final boss of the Game is, you usually need to go through six rooms which each spawn a miniboss, which will be one of the most difficult mobs in the game. And these respawn every time you revisit the floor. If you're under about Level 30, you'll have real issues with these, and especially with the End Boss. As with the first game, whilst you can't MALOR directly into this level, you can teleport out, and you can freely teleport to any square you've already visited in all other levels of the dungeon.
  5. You can however, take sneaky shortcuts to avoid ALL of these minibosses, to get directly to the End Boss. Don't though as you'll need the items that they drop to defeat the End Boss.
  6. Compared to WG1, items have changed slightly, and there's a lot fewer regeneration items about. The translation for these isn't perfect though. Two things to note: whereas some websites refer to a mace called "Shining Staff/Cane" this has been translated as "Starfall". And the "Rusty Knights Blade", a cursed item that can be invoked by a Lord to turn it into one of the ultimate weapons in the game, the "Baking Blade", is in the translation, a "Decayer" that turns into a "Jahannam". Oh, invoking it will turn your Lord into Ashes, so you better have a KADORTO handy.
  7. To grind for the Book of Nature item which allows you to import your character into WG3, you will need to have the shop entirely stocked with every type of different items available. Once you do that, you will be given an item that when activated, gives you a code to input into Wizardry Gaiden III to allow the same characters (reset to level 1 and with reset statistics) to appear in that game.
  8. The reincarnation option into WG3 does work (if you're using the English language fan translations for both games) but you need to enter the exact same Character Name, as well as the exact same Password. Note that some of the glyphs have changed slightly in WG3, but as long as you are using the corresponding glyph in the same position, you will be fine.
Drama exclusive Grave - Hien - Lavian - Norma - Yuri
Non-playable Manaya
Enemies Halgith - Scaly Empress
Races Human - Elf - Dwarf - Gnome - Hobbit
Classes Fighter - Thief - Priest - Mage - Bishop - Lord - Samurai - Ninja
Other Almarl - Gilgamesh's Tavern - Adventurer's Inn - Boltac's Trading Post - Temple of Cant - Edge of Town - Training Grounds - Utilities - Maze
Media Soundtrack - Novel - Manga
Others Spells - Monsters - Equipments - Items - Walkthrough