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O pitiful one. May the grace of God save you.
— Shagtis in Fearlessness Trailer

Shagtis is an antagonist character in Wizardry Variants Daphne.


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Unique playable Protagonist - Adam - Alex - Alice - Amelia - Asha - Barbara - Bakesh - Benjamin - Chloe - Clarisa - Daniel - Deborah - Dino - Eckhart - Ekaterina - Eldar - Elise - Emil - Eularia - Flut - Galina - Gandolfo - Gaston - Gerlf - Jahn - Lanaville - Marianne - Milana - Ofelia - Olive - Philip - Valdor - Viviana - Yermil
Generic playable Human Male Fighter - Human Female Priest - Elf Female Mage
Non-playable Albano - Arna - Dana - Dylanhardt - Elmon - Kristel - Leaufonde - Lulunarde - Pickerel - Pulgritte - Randolf - Shagtis - Vernant - Walter
Races Human - Elf - Dwarf - Beastfolk
Classes Fighter - Knight - Thief - Priest - Mage
Locations Capital's Castle Town - Adventurer's Guild - Item Shop - Blacksmith - Temple - Jeweler - Ruins - Edge of Town - Abyss
Group, objects, and concepts Adventurer's Bone - Banners - Royal Knights
Media Daphne News
Lists Spells - Monsters - Weapons - Equipments - Items - Requests - Events (giveaway)