List of items in Wizardry Traditional

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This page lists all of the items in both Wizardry Traditional scenario 1 and 2.

Twelve of a Kind

Item Unidentified Class Gold AC Other effects and notes
Broken Item Broken Item -- 0 0 --
Potion of Curing Potion -- 20 0 Cast Heal when used at cost of instant break.
Bezoar Potion -- 50 0 Cast Cure Poison when used at cost of instant break.
Torch Torch -- 10 0 Cast Brightness when used at cost of instant break.
Scroll of Sleep Scroll -- 200 0 Cast Sleep when used in battle at cost of instant break.
Scroll of Fire Scroll -- 200 0 Cast Spark when used in battle at cost of instant break.
Smelling Salts Potion -- 300 0 Cast Cure Paralysis when used at cost of instant break.
Ring of Jewels Ring All 5000 0 Cast Position when used.
Ring of Jade Ring All 10000 (+2) Resist Spells. Increases Age by one while invoked.
Mandrake Strange Item -- 11000 0 Resist Poison. Cast Terror when used in battle at cost of 15% break chance.
Scroll of Perishing Scroll -- 4000 0 Cast Suffocation when used at cost of instant break.
Meteor Kirpan Knife F 0 0 Fully recovers HP and MP for fighters only while invoked.
Ring of Speed Ring All 10000 -1 Increases Speed by one while invoking at cost of instant break.
Arabic Diary Ring All 8000 0 Cast Death when used in battle at cost of 20% break chance.
Tablet of Death Ring All 15500 0 Cast Word of Curse when used in battle at cost of 80% break chance.
Ankh of Poetry Ankh All 10000 0 Increases I.Q. by one while invoking at cost of instant break.
Ankh of Youth Ankh All 12000 -1 Decreases Age by one while invoking at cost of instant break.
Ankh of Wonder Ankh All 12000 -1 Attach one time. Cures all party member while invoking at cost of instant break.
Ring of Recovery Ring All 15000 -1 Cast Cure All when used at cost of instant break.
Nartamongae Strange Item -- 10000 0 Change class into Lord while invoking at cost of instant break, age must be at least 20.
Scarab Necklace Necklace PB 500000 -2 Resist Fire. Increases in battle at cost of 15% break chance.
Hand of Fatima Necklace All 400000 -1 Resist Stone and Absorb.
Crypt Key Key -- 250 0 Pass through B1-E5N4.
Ivory Puzzlebox # Box -- 1980 0 Change the shape of the box to @ while invoking.
Ivory Puzzlebox @ Box -- 0 0 Change the shape of the box to @ while invoking.
Butterlamp Strange Item -- 500 0 Transfer to B5-E14N14 while invoking. Cast Magic Light when used.
Sarira Caesaris Cylinder of Ash All 99999999 (-5) Attach five times at neck. Resist Fire, Cold, Poison, Breath, Stone and Absorb. Cast Teleportation when used.

Template:WTR Items

Races Human - Elf - Dwarf - Gnome - Hobbit
Classes Fighter - Thief - Priest - Mage - Bishop - Samurai - Lord - Ninja
Locations Gilgamesh's Tavern - Adventurer's Inn - Boltac's Trading Post - Temple of Cant - Edge of Town - Training Grounds
Archives Weapons - Equipments - Items - Monsters