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The Elf (エルフErufu), Elves or Elfin are one of the races which players can choose for character generation in all games of the original series with the exception of Wizardry IV.[1]

Elves are one of the races which players can choose for character generation in all games of the original series with the exception of Wizardry IV.

Elves are good choices for priests or mages, as they are pious and intelligent, though not very robust.

In the more complex gameplay of the Cosmic Forge series, elves are naturally resistant against hypnosis and sleep spells. In addition to high intelligence, they are also quite fast.



  • It says "elves" in the manual, not "elfs". Similar to "dwarves", the manual uses the spelling established by J.R.R. Tolkien, and it seems that the dwarves of all Wizardry games were closely modelled on Tolkien's idea of the race as portrayed in "Lord of the Rings".


  1. The Ultimate Wizardry Archives (Manual), p. 11 & 176.
Human - Elf - Dwarf - Gnome - Hobbit
Introduced in Cosmic Forge Trilogy
Faerie - Lizardman - Dracon - Felpurr - Rawulf - Mook - Helazoid - T'Rang - Umpani - Ratkin - Trynnie
Introduced in Starfish Wizardry
Werebeast - Dragonewt - Half-Elf - Devilish
Introduced in Wizardry Chronicle
Sadeeq - Mirelli - Tairon - Wallbach
Introduced in BUSIN series
Introduced in Wizardry XTH series
Bahamoon - Diabolos - Celestia
Introduced in Wizardry Renaissance
Introduced in Wizardry Variants Daphne
Introduced in Wizlite: Everybody loved RPGs