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Halito is a recurring first-level Mage spell in the series debuted in Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord. It is known for inflicting a wave of fire against single opponent. The stronger equivalent being, Melito, Mahalito and Lahalito.


In mainline series (except Cosmic Forge Trilogy)

Halito can be learned by Mage, Bishop and Samurai while leveling up in Adventurer's Inn. When casted, Halito deals small of fire ranging from 1 to 8 against a single opponent.

Wizardry Gaiden series

Halito in Wizardry Gaiden series including Dimguil has the same purpose as in the mainline series. It can be learned also by Bard starting in Wizardry Gaiden III: Scripture of the Dark up to Dimguil. In Wizardry: Prisoners of the Battles onwards, it is known as Spark instead.

Blade & Bastard

Wizardry Variants Daphne


Flavor text

Game Text
Wizardry I-II-III: Story of Llylgamyn
1-8 Fire DMGdamage to 1 foe*Updated fan translation


Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes
Flag of United States
(United States)


Also spelled as HALITO.

Flag of Japan





See also

  • Spark
  • Flame Arrow
  • Lito
  • Creta
All Spells in Wizardry I-IV
Main versions
Mage Level 1 Dumapic - Halito - Katino - Mogref
Level 2 Dilto - Sopic
Level 3 Mahalito - Molito
Level 4 Dalto - Lahalito - Morlis
Level 5 Madalto - Makanito - Mamorlis
Level 6 Haman - Lakanito - Masopic - Zilwan
Level 7 Mahaman - Malor - Tiltowait
Priest Level 1 Badios - Dios - Kalki - Milwa - Porfic
Level 2 Calfo - Manifo - Matu - Montino
Level 3 Bamatu - Dialko - Latumapic - Lomilwa
Level 4 Badial - Dial - Latumofis - Maporfic
Level 5 Badi - Badialma - Di - Dialma - Kandi - Litokan
Level 6 Loktofeit - Lorto - Mabadi - Madi
Level 7 Kadorto - Malikto
The Knight of Diamonds (Nintendo)
Mage Level 1 Dumapic - Halito - Katino - Mogref
Level 2 Dilto - Sopic - Melito
Level 3 Mahalito - Molito - Morlis
Level 4 Dalto - Lahalito - Tzalik
Level 5 Madalto - Makanito - Mamorlis - Zilwan
Level 6 Haman - Lakanito - Masopic - Ladalto
Level 7 Mahaman - Malor - Tiltowait
Priest Level 1 Badios - Dios - Kalki - Milwa - Porfic
Level 2 Calfo - Kandi - Manifo - Matu - Montino
Level 3 Badial - Dial - Dialko - Latumapic
Level 4 Bamatu - Latumofis - Lomilwa - Litokan - Maporfic
Level 5 Badi - Badialma - Di - Dialma
Level 6 Loktofeit - Lorto - Mabadi - Madi
Level 7 Kadorto - Malikto
Mage Level 1 Dumapic - Halito - Katino - Mogref - Ponti
Level 2 Bolatu - Desto - Melito - Morlis
Level 3 Calific - Cortu - Kantios - Mahalito
Level 4 Lahalito - Litofeit - Rokdo - Tzalik
Level 5 Bacortu - Madalto - Palios - Socordi - Vaskyre
Level 6 Mamogref - Lakanito - Lokara - Zilwan
Level 7 Abriel - Mahaman - Malor - Mawxiwtz - Tiltowait
Priest Level 1 Badios - Dios - Kalki - Milwa - Porfic
Level 2 Calfo - Kandi - Katu - Montino
Level 3 Bamatu - Dialko - Hakanido - Latumapic - Lomilwa
Level 4 Badial - Bariko - Dial - Latumofis - Maporfic
Level 5 Badi - Bamordi - Di - Dialma - Mogato
Level 6 Badi - Kakamen - Loktofeit - Madi
Level 7 Bakadi - Ihalon - Kadorto - Mabariko

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Mage Level 1 Shield - Sleep - Spark - Stone - Wizard Eye
Level 2 Darkness - Fire - Haste - Mega Shield - Terror - Unlock Door
Level 3 Confusion - Detect Door - Magic Screen - Mega Fire - Thunder - Total Terror
Level 4 Energy Bolt - Freeze - Giga Fire - Levitate - Petrify - Prismic Ray
Level 5 Anti-Magic - Clear Magic - Conjuration - Giga Energy Bolt - Mega Freeze
Level 6 Deadly Air - Deadly Chasm - Giga Freeze - Giga Shield - Six Boons - Turn Undead
Level 7 Maelstrom - Nuclear Blast - Prismic Missile - Seventh Boon - Teleportation
Priest Level 1 Armor - Brightness - Buckler - Heal - Punish
Level 2 Charm - Divine Trap - Locate Person - Mega Armor - Silence
Level 3 Break Screen - Cure Paralysis - Giga Armor - Magic Light - Mega Heal - Name Monsters
Level 4 Blades - Cure Poison - Mega Punish - Protection - Reduce Magic
Level 5 Death - Firewall - Giga Heal - Giga Punish - Raise Dead - Summon Elemental
Level 6 Astral Gate - Cure All - Evacuate - Firestorm - Steal Life - Whirlwind
Level 7 Carnage - Heal Party - Meteor Swarm - Prodigy - Raise Ash - Word of Curse

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