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Werdna is the chief villain and main antagonist of Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, and the main protagonist of Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna.


Five years before the events of the game unfold, he managed to steal a powerful amulet from Trebor the Overlord. Using the amulet's powers, he created a maze of ten levels beneath Trebor's castle. He then hid in the lowest level, guarded by the monsters in the maze where he researched the amulet for five years. When adventurers finally meet him, Werdna is close to unravelling the amulet's final mysteries.


Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord

Werdna is a final boss character.


The wizard is the characters' ultimate opponent, and surely the toughest one in the whole game. Thanks to the powers of the amulet, he can resist most magical attacks, while being able to cast all mage spells. He is also accompanied by some very powerful monsters. It must be the characters' highest priority to take him out as quickly as possible. To achieve this, some of his allies have to be killed so that Werdna can be reached by the fighters. Brute force or the ability to kill instantly work best to overcome Werdna. However, to deal with his allies effectively, at least one mage should be able to cast the Tiltowait spell. It is also necessary to have at least one priest in the party capable of powerful healing spells such as Madi. He is very attractive. Like, really hot.

Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna

Werdna is a playable character. A powerful wizard like Werdna is hard to kill. In fact, the adventurers defeated him, but they were not able to kill his spirit. After many years of deathlike slumber, Werdna awakes in a mausoleum. He is very weak and he has to regain his strength.

Wizardry: The Five Ordeals

Werdna reprises enemy character as Andrew.




Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord Monsters
Primary Version
B1F Bubbly Slimes - Orc - Kobold - Undead Kobold - Rogue - Bushwhacker - Highwayman (NES/SFC)
B2F Highwayman - Zombie - Creeping Crud - Gas Cloud - Level 1 Mage - Level 1 Priest - Creeping Coin - Level 1 Ninja - Vorpal Bunny
B3F Capybara - Giant Toad - Coyote - Level 3 Priest - Level 3 Samurai
B4F Level 3 Ninja - Were Bear - Dragon Fly - Rotting Corpse - Ogre - Huge Spider - Wererat - Boring Beetle - Gas Dragon - Priestess
B5F Swordsman - Huge Spider - Attack Dog - Gargoyle - Grave Mist - Dragon Puppy - Werewolf - Shade - Bishop - Minor Daimyo
B6F Level 5 Mage - Level 4 Thief - Killer Wolf - Spirit - Giant Spider - Weretiger - Medusalizard - Level 5 Priest - Level 6 Ninja - Level 7 Mage - Master Thief - Major Daimyo - High Priest - Champ Samurai - Arch Mage - Gaze Hound - Ogre Lord - Troll - Lifestealer
B7F Master Thief - Major Daimyo - High Priest - Champ Samurai - Arch Mage - Gaze Hound - Ogre Lord - Troll - Lifestealer
B8F Nightstalker - Wyvern - Level 8 Priest - Level 10 Fighter - Level 7 Mage - Level 7 Thief - Level 8 Ninja - Earth Giant - Lesser Demon - Chimera
B9F Fire Giant - Gorgon - Level 8 Bishop - Level 8 Fighter - Level 10 Mage - Thief - Master Ninja - Murphy's Ghost - Will O' Wisp - Bleeb
B10F Frost Giant - Fire Dragon - High Priest - High Wizard - Master Thief - Hatamoto - Vampire - Greater Demon - Poison Giant - Dragon Zombie - Raver Lord - High Master - Flack - Arch Mage - Maelific
Fixed Only Level 7 Fighter (B4F) - Level 7 Mage (B4F) - High Priest (B4F) - High Ninja (B4F) - Werdna (B10F) - Vampire Lord (B10F)
Game Boy Color
B3F Level 3 Priest - Level 3 Samurai - Level 3 Ninja - Were Bear - Dragon Fly - Rotting Corpse - Ogre - Huge Spider - Wererat - Boring Beetle - Gas Dragon - Priestess
B4F Swordsman - Huge Spider - Attack Dog - Gargoyle - Grave Mist - Dragon Puppy - Werewolf - Shade - Bishop - Minor Daimyo - Level 5 Mage - Level 4 Thief - Killer Wolf - Spirit - Giant Spider - Weretiger - Medusalizard - Level 5 Priest - Level 6 Ninja - Level 7 Mage
B5F Chimera - Medusalizard - Medusa - Cockatrice - Manticore - Gorgon - Mighty Oak - Swamp Thing - Earth Giant - Fire Giant - Frost Giant - Poison Giant - Madjinni - Hydra - Green Dragon - Fire Dragon - Dragonaire
B6F Will O' Wisp - Creeping Coin - Freezie - Iron Golem - Blank Stare - Spirit - Dragon Zombie - Shade - Lifestealer - Nightstalker - Asher - Banshee - Ghast - Skeleton - Ice Phantom - Vampire (A/B) - High Vampire (A/B) - Unholy Terror - Wraith - Wraith Lord
B7F Ersebet - Maelific - Bloodweir - High Master (A/B/C) - Flack - Hellhound - Mane - Lesser Demon - Kalkydri - Greater Demon - Succubus - Efreeti - Pit Fiend - Incubus - Cacodaemon - Greater Devil - Archdevil - Nether Demon - Faillyth
B8F Vorpal Bunny - Vampire Lord - Archdevil - Nether Demon - Faillyth - Dragon Lord - Golem
B9F Master Thief - Major Daimyo - High Priest - Champ Samurai - Arch Mage - Gaze Hound - Ogre Lord - Troll - Lifestealer - Nightstalker - Wyvern - Level 8 Priest - Level 10 Fighter - Level 7 Mage - Level 7 Thief - Level 8 Ninja - Earth Giant - Lesser Demon - Chimera
B10F Fire Giant - Gorgon - Level 8 Bishop - Level 8 Fighter - Level 10 Mage - Thief - Master Ninja - Murphy's Ghost - Will O' Wisp - Bleeb - Frost Giant - Fire Dragon - High Priest - High Wizard - Master Thief - Hatamoto - Vampire - Greater Demon - Poison Giant - Dragon Zombie - Raver Lord - High Master - Flack - Arch Mage - Maelific
Fixed Only Vorpal Bunny (B5F) - Dragon Lord (B5F) - Golem (B6F) - Vampire Lord (B6F) - Raver Lord (B8F)
The Llylgamyn Saga
Scenario #1 (remake) Trebor - Vampire Lord - Werdna
RPG Replay exclusive Ealton - Giles Crow - Nael - Pirika - Shool - Vance
Anime exclusive Alex - Alper - Jouza - Morgan - Randy - Sheila - Shin Gartland
Scenario #2 Alavik - Davalpus - Gnilda - Margda
CD Drama Exclusive Alan - Arheim - Juty - Maria - Samus - Weed
Scenario #3 Beyki - L'kbreth
Scenario #4 Hawkwind - Kadorto - Moradin - Mron - Prospero - Sarah - Sezmar - Trebor - Tuck - Werdna - Witch
Scenario #5 Big Max - The Duck of Sparks - Evil Eyes - The Gatekeeper - G'bli Gedook - Lord Hienmitey - Ironose - The Laughing Kettle - The Loon - The Lord of Clubs/Diamonds/Hearts/Spades - The Mad Stomper - The Mighty Yog - The Ruby Warlock - The Snatch - The SORN
Races Human - Elf - Dwarf - Gnome - Hobbit
Classes Fighter - Thief - Priest - Mage - Bishop - Samurai - Lord - Ninja
Locations Llylgamyn - Gilgamesh's Tavern - Adventurer's Inn - Boltac's Trading Post - Temple of Cant - Edge of Town - Training Grounds - Lair of Werdna (#1) - Temple of Gnilda (#2)
Groups, objects, and concepts The Softalk All-Stars - Statue of Bear (#1) - Statue of Frog (#1) - Blue Ribbon (#1) - Amulet of Werdna (#1) - Hrathnir (#2) - Knight of Diamonds Equipments (#2) - Staff of Gnilda (#2) - Ship in Bottle (#3) - Alignment Crystals (#3) - Orb of Earithin (#3) - Dreampainter Ka (#4) - Mythril Gloves (#4) - Holy Hand Grenade of Aunty Ock (#4) - East Wind Sword (#4) - East Wind Sword (#4) - Dragon's Claw (#4) - Kris of Truth (#4) - King of Diamonds (#5) - Queen of Hearts (#5) - Jack of Spades (#5) - Ace of Clubs (#5) - Orb of Llylgamyn (#5)
Albums We Love Wizardry - Suite Wizardry II: Legacy of Llylgamyn - Suite Wizardry III: Knight of Diamonds - Suite Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom - Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga - Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord Original Game Soundtrack
Novels Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord - The Story of Alavik and Margda - Knight of Diamonds - Legacy of Llylgamyn - Heart of the Maelstrom - Wizardry Novel: Ash and Youth Side by Side - Novel II: The Wind. Has it reached Dragon?
Other media Quest of Hrathnir - Anime - Wizardry RPG Replay - Wizball
Compilations The Wizardry Trilogy: Scenarios I, II & III - I-II - Trilogy 2 - III-IV - The Ultimate Wizardry Archives - Llylgamyn Saga - New Age of Llylgamyn - Story of Llylgamyn - Pay Wizardry - Wizardry Original
Spells Scenario #1-#4 - Scenario #2 (Nintendo) - Scenario #5
Monsters Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 (Do-gooders) - Scenario #5
Weapons Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Equipments Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Items Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Walkthrough Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Miscellaneous Achievements (PGMO remake) - Patch notes (PGMO remake)