Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom/Walkthrough

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A word to the wise

The following walkthrough is best suited for the Super Nintendo version of the Wizardry V game. The PC version of the game may include a few differences, namely in the control methods and the conversation with some NPCs.

Starting a new game

Upon starting the game, you will see a menu that contains the following options. Each option refers to a place, which has its own options as well:

  • Gilgamesh's Tavern: This place is where you can manage a party to explore the Heart of the Maelstrom. This place has the following options:
    • Add: this allows you to add a character into your party. A party is comprised of six such characters, the first three in the list conforming the front row and the other three comprising the back row.
    • Remove: this removes a character from your party. The character will remain on the tavern, unless it is deleted on the Training Grounds
    • Inspect: this option brings the character status screen, in which you may inspect the attributes and items a party member holds. You may choose to equip a weapon, armor or other such item into the character, as well as trade items between other party members.
    • Divvy Gold: this option allows you to split gold between all party members in equal amounts, so that everyone holds the same amount.
  • Adventurer's Inn: This place is where you can rest your party members. You may not use the services of this area if you have no characters in your party. This place has the following areas to rest:
    • The Stables: if you have little money (or don't wish to waste your money), you can always rest at the stables. You recover no health this way, but you may recover your spells per day, if you have them. Since you can always return to the Maze and use your own magic to heal yourself, this is quite a good option.
    • A Cot: a temporary, portable bed where you may rest for a while. Each week resting costs 10 GP, and you recover a very small amount of HP each week of rest.
    • Economy Rooms: the typical room, with a bed and a hot meal, but don't expect too much from it. It costs 50 gp per week, and recovers a reasonable amount of HP (somewhat equal to a Dios spell) every week of rest.
    • Merchant Suites: a more expensive room, with better accomodations. It costs 200 GP per week, and recovers a much larger amount of HP per week (somewhat equivalent to a Dial spell).
    • The Royal Suite: if you have GP to waste, this is the place to go. It costs 500 gp per week, but you recover HP extremely quick.
    • Pool Gold: this option allows you to pool all the party gold into a single character. This allows you to choose from all the other options, but generally you want to save your money for other things, such as proper equipment or rare items from NPCs in the maze.
  • Boltac's Trading Post: The best (and only) store in Llylgamyn (aside from the NPCs in the maze), you'll constantly return here to sell many goods. You may not use the services of this area if you have no characters in your party. This place has the following options:
    • Buy: this allows you to buy weapons, armor, assorted equipment and even consumables in order to deal with the maze. If you sell stuff in here, the store will offer it back but at its base cost.
    • Sell: if you have items you wish to sell, you can offer them for half their cost. This is a better option than selling items to NPCs in the maze, which will offer a vastly lower amount for them.
    • Uncurse: if one of your allies has equipped a cursed item, or your party Wizard has incorrectly identified a cursed item, the store may offer you the ability to uncurse it. Note, however, that uncursing an item also destroys it, and the cost is almost the same as selling it. Thus, unless strictly necessary, you should never equip a cursed item (if you know it's a cursed item).
    • Identify: while largely unnecessary if you have a Wizard, some items may be extremely hard to identify. This allows you to pay part of the cost (usually half the base cost of the item) to perfectly identify the item you wish to know. It is a requirement to identify some items in order to use them.
    • Pool Gold: same as in the Adventurer's Inn.
  • Temple of Cant: If a party member has been paralyzed, petrified or killed in the Maze, the clerics at the temple may offer their services, by offering a tithe to the church. The church also allows you to revive NPCs you've killed, in case you need their services. When you enter, if a party member needs to be cured or revived, the donation cost is set alongside their name. By choosing the character (or NPC) to aid, and then choosing who will tithe, the clerics will act their magic. Generally, the cost to cure an ally is usually 100 gold per level of the character, reviving them costs 250 gold per level, and returning a character from ashes costs 500 per level. Eventually, you may not need of the temple's services unless you need to revive an important NPC. You may not use the services of this area if you have no characters in your party.
  • Edge of Town: this allows you access to the Maze, as well as other options.

By entering the Edge of Town, a new set of options opens.

  • Maze: the entrance to the Labyrinth, the dungeon. You need to form a party in order to enter.
  • Training Grounds: while Gilgamesh's Inn allows you to create and manage a party, the Training Grounds allows you to create and manage characters individually. This will be an important area, one that you'll revisit various times. This area has the following options:
    • Create: this option allows you to create a new character. Using this option, you may create a customized character with your chosen name, race, class and attributes.
    • Inspect: this option allows you to revise all characters you have created, in case you need to know which one has the item you need. Unlike the Inspect option on the Gilgamesh's Inn, this option allows you to revise all characters, but not equip them or trade items along them.
    • Delete: this option allows you to delete an unwanted character. Only choose this if you feel that a character is not fit for adventuring.
    • Change Name: this option allows you to change a character's name, if you desire.
    • Change Class: this option allows you to change a character's class, so as long as they fit the requirements to enter. Thus, a Fighter that is particularly devoted may become a Cleric, or if particularly suited, a Samurai or Lord. Do note that choosing a new class forces you to start from 1st level, so if you're comfortable with the character's class, cancel.
    • Reorder: this option allows you to reorganize the order in which the characters you've created appear. This may be useful if you're usually suited to a specific group of characters, so that you may access them easily.
  • Restart an "OUT" Party: if you've left a party within the maze, this option allows you to continue your progress.
  • Leave Game: This option merely allows you to turn off the console safely. You can press the A Button in order to cancel this option. In the PC version, this option basically ends the game and closes the window, so it is mostly a vestige of the PC version more than anything. It also delivers a stunning vista of Castle Llylgamyn.

The First Steps

Once you've familiarized with the menu, it is time to embark into adventure!

While the joy of the game is how to build the perfect party to deal with the challenges of the game, the program is readily pre-programmed with six characters: two fighters, a thief, a cleric, a mage and a bishop (the SNES version calls it a wizard, though). They are named, fittingly, FIGHTER1, FIGHTER2, THIEF, CLERIC, MAGE and WIZARD (if you play the PC version, you'll see a BISHOP instead). This vanilla party will work nicely for the first few levels, but eventually you'll want to work with a party of your own. Once you've chosen them all, you have a party fully equipped and ready for adventure; all you need to do is to enter the maze and skip all of this I'm gonna mention.

The Perfect Party

...but, if what you want is to make the right party, you may want to enter the Training Grounds first.

While a set of one cleric, one mage and one bishop/wizard works well, in the end game you want as many people with spells as possible. Thus, it is in your best interest to customize your party so that, at the end, you have many spellcasters as possible. A brief explanation of each class appears as follows:

  • Fighter: the fighter is the main melee combatant, able to equip the best weapons and armor. Humans and dwarves make solid warriors, with gnomes being a distant third. They only need a Strength of 11, and they get the fastest progression of attacks in game, which translates to better damage. However, in the end game, they are easily replaced with other, better classes.
  • Thief: the thief is a subpar warrior, which can only use a few weapons (namely short swords and a few ranged weapons). They can Ambush in battle after a successful Hide, which doubles their damage, but for what you really want them is for disabling traps and picking locks. You need a Agility of 11 on your character to make one, and Hobbits get that naturally. Elves also make good Thieves, because their IQ aids on identifying traps and disabling them safely. Remember a Thief can only be neutral or evil, not good, so calculate well. For purposes of safety, you'll want to have a thief on your party always, since they're the best trap defusers around.
  • Cleric: an invaluable resource, the cleric is the master of healing and protective magics. They also have the ability to dispell the undead, and they have a good bit of equipment as they can wear chain mail and wield various bludgeoning weapons. Clerics need a Piety of 11, making dwarves and gnomes the best choices for them. Get two or three, and make sure at least one turns into a Lord, one turns into a Wizard, and the other...well, the other can be a Thief or Ninja if you want. In fact, all your main party characters should have a degree of clerical experience. Do have in mind, though, that a Cleric cannot be Neutral; faith lays in the extremes, not in balance.
  • Mage: another invaluable resorce, the mage is the master of combat magic. However, that's all they bring to the table; good attack spells, Litofeit to float amongst traps, and eventually Malor to teleport. Mages need an IQ of 11, making Elves the obvious choice. You'll want at least three, so you can turn one into a Samurai, another into a Wizard, and another into your Thief or Ninja so that you get three sources of Mage magic. In fact, all your main party characters should have a degree of magical experience.

With some effort (such as a lucky set of bonus points), you can reach the following:

  • Bishop or Wizard: one of the first valuable classes in the game, the Wizard (Bishop in the PC release) is like a cleric and a mage mixed into one. The Wizard/Bishop can equip things like a Cleric, dispell the undead, and cast both Clerical and Mage spells. However, their unique trait is that they can identify items for the party, but with a degree of failure. To create a Wizard (or Bishop), you need to have your character get an IQ and a Piety of 12, which is one more than the base Cleric or Mage. You should aspire to have two Wizards in your party, both with maximum amounts of Mage and Cleric spells (at least one emerging from a Cleric 13 and another from a Mage 13), so that you can get a very flexible party. As with Clerics, a Wizard (or Bishop) must be either Good or Evil, as is the requirement for one of the classes.
  • Samurai: another very valuable class in the game, the Samurai is like a fighter and a mage mixed into one. The Samurai can't equip all the items a Fighter can, but it has access to a wide (and unique) selection, including the incredible katanas, the naginata, and magic items such as the Bushi Scale. After a certain amount of levels (five, to be exact), the Samurai starts learning Mage spells at a very slow rate. To create a Samurai, a character should have a Strength of 15, an IQ of 11, a Piety of 10, a Vitality of 14 and an Agility of 10, making them very rare. Dwarves make good Samurai, as do humans. You may want to have your prospective Samurai spend a few moments as a Mage so that they may start with a few Mage spells; as they keep progressing, they'll get more slots and eventually progress their spells much faster. A Samurai must not begin as an Evil character, but it may start as a Neutral character.

If you're incredibly lucky, you may get the two most demanding classes around. However, you may have to wait for later, and probably make some characters with great stats to pull them off:

  • Lord: one very valuable class in the game, the Lord is like a fighter and a cleric mixed into one. The Lord, unlike the Samurai, can equip the same items as the Fighter can, so they usually end up with insanely high AC. As well, after a few levels (usually 5th), they gain the ability to dispell the undead and cast Clerical spells, which further reinforces them. However, the entry requirements are very harsh: they need a whopping Strength of 15, IQ of 12, Piety of 12, Vitality of 15, Agility of 14 and Luck of 15, making them out of bounds until latter levels. The best way to handle this is to either make a Fighter or a Cleric (particularly a Cleric, as they start with some casting ability on their belt; 13 levels in Cleric are excellent) and then carefully gauge their stats until they reach the Lord class. A Lord MUST start as a Good character, so it is on your best interest to keep it on a good-aligned party.
  • Ninja: the hardest class to achieve, and one of the coolest around, the Ninja is a rare mix between the fighter and the thief. They get the ability to equip items as a Samurai (not a Fighter) would, but they're best unarmed. If they have no armor, they gain a bonus to their AC that increases every three levels; while at first that means they'll get only an AC of 8, that means they're one of the few classes that easily reach the top of -99 to AC, being essentially untouchable. They are also great thieves, since they require a very good set of stats to disable traps and open locks, so they may serve as a replacement for them. However, to become a Ninja, you must have the following stats on your character: Strength 15, IQ 17, Piety of 15, Vitality of 16, Agility of 15 and Luck of 16; in case you haven't noticed, this is the minimum attribute amount possible between all races, each augmented by 10 (thus, the Ninja will always require having at least one stat at maximum). Finally, unlike most other classes, the Ninja must start as an Evil character, so you may need to have an evil party to harbor a Ninja until then.

Having said all this, what should you get for the latter levels? You need at least:

  • Three people that can fight in the front row, particularly those with high AC scores. That's why two fighters are nice, but in the end, you want at least one Lord and one Samurai at the top. Two Lords and a Samurai will be nearly untouchable. You could have a Thief at the top, or a very high level Ninja without armor as well.
  • A trap defuser. This means you NEED a Ninja or a Thief on the party, to cover this essential task.
  • At least three sources each of Clerical spells and Mage spells. In the case of Clerical spells, you want at least two people who can cast Di (the Life spell), which will also net them Latumapic, Lomilwa and Maporfic so that your party has a semi-permanent light source, identify all enemies and have better AC. You'll also want at least 3 Mage spell users in order to get a consistent amount of attack spells such as the Halito (fire) line of spells (Halito, Melito, Mahalito and Lahalito) to deal with as many creatures as you can. At least one should be powerful enough to cast Lokara (Earthquake) which will serve as your first attack all spell, so that you can deal with groups of 24-32 enemies very easily. You'll also need their services for Palios (Dispell Magic), Cortu and Kantios (Disable). The more spells you have at your disposal, the better chances of survival you'll have, and the less time you'll need to spend at the city.

The perfect party should have at least one Samurai, one Lord, one Ninja and one Wizard; the remaining two depend exclusively on class choice, but at least one Thief should be there (in order to use L range weapons); the Ninja works well as a Thief, but remember that to take advantage of its AC boost it requires being unarmed.

The First Level


  • Lady Stingers
  • Leech Lizards
  • Trolls
  • Green Slimes
  • Pale Warriors
  • Bandits
  • Nethermen
  • Acolytes
  • Magicians
  • Ice Phantoms

Once you have chosen your party members, it is really time for adventure!

The first order of the day is, mostly, to get a few levels on your characters. The first few levels will be easy to gain, if you have a balanced party. The beginning of the maze (East 0, North 0) will be a long corridor with a room to the right, then a sharp turn to the right with another door to the left. These areas will contain generally easy enemies, such as Green Slimes, Leech Lizards, Lady Stingers and the occasional Bandit, Troll or Pale Warrior. The first three deal very little damage and are pretty easy to beat with a Fighter; the Bandit will be a bit stronger, the Troll can be a menace to any non-Fighters, and the Pale Warriors are your first undead creatures, so use Dispell if they are too much. The first room you find will have the weakest enemies, so make sure you gather a few levels so that you can get more spells from your group. Ideally, you want your Mages to be capable of casting Mahalito, while your Clerics should cast Dialko, Latumofis, and Maporfic; you can reach that with a 5th level Mage and a 7th level Cleric.

Once you have a delve-ready party, it is time to explore a bit forward. Further on the corridor you'll see an intersection indicated by a series of runes (while hard to see, they spell the word "TIME"). Use this as a reference point (East 8, North 9). If going as intended, you'll be facing East.

From here, you have a few places to go:

  • North is the Temple of the Brotherhood. This is a place you must go later, but they'll reprimand you for not "bringing the Orb". This refers to the Orb of Llylgamyn, the item you are to seek now.
  • South leads to a dark area (which dispels your Milwa and Lomilwa spells, those that provide light), and to more areas.
  • Further east leads to various more rooms. This is where we'll be heading.

Continuing east through the corridor, you'll see a door to the left. This is where you'll have to move, in order to get the Orb of Llylgamyn. The place will be a small maze, but the following steps should make it easier for you:

  • Go through the door, and you will see another door at the upper left corner. Enter.
  • From there, you'll see a door to your left, two doors at your right, and a door to your upper right corner. Enter there, facing North.
  • In that room, you'll see another door on the upper right corner, and two doors to your right. Of those two doors to your right, choose the left one. Upon entering, you'll immediately see another door, and then another room.
  • That room contains a door one step forward and left, as well as a door to your right. Enter the right door. This is another double door.
  • The subsequent room has two doors as well. The door to the left is your destination. The door to your right is locked, but it cannot be opened by your Thieves at this moment. This corridor is actually a shortcut to a lower level of the Maze, so you shouldn't worry until a lot later.
  • Using the door to your left (East 15, North 11, facing East), you'll get into a small corridor, a door to teh left, then a series of doors. You'll see a door to your left, one right in front, and one to your right. If you feel confident, you might want to do some exploration (and get into a few battles), but it's not very hard to get into the Orb's room.

The room with various doors has essentially three solutions: one leads to a dead end, another to a secret door with an NPC and an important key, and the other to the Orb. We'll check each in detail.

The Orb of Llylgamyn

To get to the orb, all you need to do is always reach the rightmost door. You'll know you're there if you end up in a twisting corridor after a double door (using Dumapic, you should be at East 23, North 16). Following the end of the corridor eventually leads to a locked door. Worry not, because you'll have two options for it.

If you're wondering how to pick the door, this is a good moment to introduce the other main menu; the one you get from the X button (for those PC users, the P key should serve to pick the locks; consult your manual or do a slight bit of experimentation on your keyboard to find it). From there, you'll see a few options (from now on, the options will be as presented on the SNES version of the game):

  • Inspect: this option, unlike the other "Inspect" options, refers to inspecting the maze. Here, you can inspect Secret Doors, Hidden Items, or party members on the Maze.
    • Secret Doors: whenever the walkthrough mentions a secret door, face the right position (using Dumapic or an item you'll get later on) and use this option. You'll have to wait for a while, but eventually one of your party members will see a door. Usually, this secret door will be a shortcut, which can be a boon for exploring the dungeon.
    • Hidden Items: whenever the walkthrough mentions a hidden item, get into the indicated spot in the map and search. You'll have to do this to proceed, as many important items are found this way.
    • Members: if you already have a party formed (of less than 6 members), you can check if you left a party member inside the maze. This is the way you can find dead members, as well as recruit members you couldn't usually recruit. If you want a party comprised of both Good and Evil characters, this is the only way to do so.
  • Pick: this option is the one used to pick locks. There are two options here: pick the lock manually (choose your Thief to do this), or cast the Desto spell (which has a higher chance to unlock the door, based on your IQ; use your Mage to do this).
  • Use Item: this option allows you to use items in the dungeon. This is the way you use keys and other important items. Make a note, however, that sometimes the way you use items is through your character menu, and others through this option; whenever you use an item to gain access to a part of the maze, you use THIS option.
  • Set Timer: when chosen, this marks a specific amount of time. The SNES version has no indicative of what this does, so it may be an option from the PC version to serve as an alarm.
  • Quit Party: this option leaves your party where it remained and returns you to the castle. In this way, you can make a new party to delve in.

With the menu explained, it's quite probable you know how to pick a lock. Thus, either choose to pick it with your Thief, or cast Desto with your Mage to open the door.

Once here, you'll be at a large room, with a smaller room in the middle. That small room (East 18, North 9) contains the Orb of Llylgamyn, albeit unidentified. Allow your Wizard/Bishop to identify it, or return to the Castle and identify it at Boltac's.

The Silver Key and the Laughing Kettle

Returning to the room of many doors (East 20, North 12), go as if you were to get into the Orb room, but after the second door, keep going forward. You should see a small corridor to the left, but keep pressing forward; that leads to a straight corridor (at East 22, North 16). This is where you have to move.

Go straight into the corridor, which turns to the right, and then to the left into an intersection. At that intersection (East 24, North 20), you have two options; move to the right, or forward and to the left. Each option is different.

Forward and to the Left

This option allows you to reach the Laughing Kettle.

Although you may seem at a dead end, once you reach that dead end, look to your left and search for a secret door (look above at the page to do so). If you do, you'll find a secret door, with a corridor moving forward. At the end, you'll have an encounter (as if it were a combat encounter, but you'll notice "someone approaches"). This is the Laughing Kettle, an NPC.

When dealing with an NPC, you'll have the following options:

  • Talk: this option allows you to speak to the NPC, trying to figure out the options. The SNES version has the speech already placed, but in the PC version, you must type the correct word in order to gather more information from them.
  • Fight: this option allows you to fight with the NPC. This option is rarely recommended, as you'll usually have a very hard battle in your hands. Also, if you manage to beat the NPC, you need to revive it at the Temple of Cant, which costs you money.
  • Steal: this option allows a Thief in your party to steal gold, or an item, from the NPC. Use this option at your risk; while you can get a sizeable amount of gold or a rare item from them, you could simply fail, or anger them so much (as they find what you're doing) that they'll engage you in combat (and as I mentioned it's a bad idea to fight an NPC). It all depends on Luck. One thing to mention, though, is that stealing isn't considered an Evil act, so a Thief could steal at its leisure and rarely change alignment.
  • Give Gold: this option allows you to give gold to a character. This could serve to get some information or appease the NPC so that it becomes easier to talk to. However, it is generally not recommended, and if you need to give it gold, they'll ask for it.
  • Give Item: this option allows you to give an item to the NPC. This is necessary sometimes, as it is required to advance further.
  • Katu: if you have a Cleric on your party, this option allows you to use the spell to charm the enemy. Try doing this every time you meet an NPC, as some may be unfriendly and they may elicit no response or even engage you in combat. Once charmed, they won't care if you steal from them.
  • Buy: this option allows you, if the NPC has things for sale, to buy items. At first, this may seem a bit pointless, but later on you'll eventually find very good items for sale. The more expensive the item, the better; however, be aware that such items will be more expensive than the norm (usually at 120% of the base price).
  • Sell: this option allows you, if the NPC is interested, to sell items. This is rarely a good option, because the NPC will ask you to sell these items at a far reduced cost (generally at 40% of their base cost). Only use it if you want to empty a bit of your inventory, as you're generally limited to 8 item slots per character, and you'll end up with lots of weak stuff around.
  • Pool Gold: this, much like the options in the Adventurer's Inn and Boltac's, allows you to pool the money on a single character in order to buy or give the necessary gold to the NPC.

Speaking to the Kettle will urge you to donate some money to it, which you can give through the "Give Gold" option. The options cost between 100 and 5000 GP, and all are tips for the game. However, if you wish to save some money, here are the tips the Kettle gives:

  • 100 gold: "Greet everyone with a hearty 'HAIL!' " (not really much of a clue, but for those using the PC, what it means is that you should always type "Hi" or "HAIL!" to get the character to speak, usually delivering more clues. Pretty pointless for the SNES version as all conversations are scripted.)
  • 500 gold: "Find out why the Mad Stomper *STOMPS*" (not really the most enlightening clue, but it does tell you to speak to the Mad Stomper for a further clue)
  • 1000 gold: "Use the power of the Demon to open the Gate of the Mocking Face." (this clue tells you how to use the Petrified Demon you'll find at Level 3 of the Maze; on an area at Level 4 of the Maze).
  • 2500 gold: "Beyond the Hall of Mirrors doth lie The Loon" (this clue alerts you to where the Loon is located, at Level 4 of the Maze)
  • 5000 gold: "To master the Triaxial Balance requires the Power of the Staffs, the Sign of the Cards, and the Secret of the Solemn Rites!" (this is essentially the solution to the end of the quest, where you need the four elemental Staffs, as well as how to get them (get all four Cards).

With all that said and done, it's time to leave the Laughing Kettle. Don't worry if you don't feed it, since most of the clues are rather cryptic...


Choosing to go to the right allows you to end on another intersection (East 28, North 18, facing East) which leads to three paths:

  • The left (Northern) path leads to two rooms, both dead ends.
  • The forward (Eastern) path leads to a few rooms, including a pit on the farthest room.
  • The right (Southern) path leads to the Silver Key.

Thus, the idea is to leave into the Southern path, which should be to your right (if facing East). The corridor will end up on a room which has a locked door. Pick the door (East 28, North 13) and enter the door, which will seem to be a storage room. To the left, search for hidden items and you should find an odd key; this is the Silver Key.

With the Orb of Llylgamyn and the Silver Key in your possession, you have various places to go. The Silver Key is one of the ways to enter Level 2 of the Maze, but you don't want to get there just now. Before, you want to find one more key, get rich, and solve one more thing at Level 1 before proceeding, as this is very important.

Temple of the Brotherhood

With both items in your possession (the Orb of Llylgamyn and the Silver Key), you can finally enter the Temple of the Brotherhood. Of course, you only need the Orb at the moment, but the key will be useful later on.

When entering, the members of the Brotherhood will greet you warmly, allowing you further access. Each door is pretty similar, and with some exploration you'll end up essentially at the center of the temple, where you'll meet G'bli Gedook, the high priest of La-La Moo Moo.

G'bli will be friendly towards you, but do not attempt to steal from him. For starters, he won't be charmed that easily (if at all), and if he catches you, he'll be a deadly challenge to you as he's quite the powerful spellcaster. Thus, it is better to remain quiet and listen to all he says. By speaking to him at first, he'll request you to find Ironose the dwarf, and explain a bit about the Brotherhood and its purpose. He'll also sell a very expensive item (a ?FIGURINE, which is actually the Solemn Talisman). Remember when I asked you to become "very rich"? This is why; the Solemn Talisman is actually an item that can be used to create the effect of a Dumapic spell, so you can save those 1st level Mage spell slots for...well, Katino or Morlis if you want to.

After speaking to G'bli, you can enter into the door at East 8, North 25. This area has two places to go:

  • Once you enter, you'll see a corridor to the right, which ends up at a seeming dead end.
  • Further on, you'll see a door to the right and the extension of the corridor to the left. Eventually, you'll find a small fork where you'll find a silver door. If you use the Silver Key in here, you'll be able to open the door to Level 2 of the Maze. You won't be capable of progressing just like that, so you may want to wait a bit.

Given that recommendation, let's go to the corridor at the right.

The Brass Key, the Motor Room and the Bag of Tokens

If you go to the right, once you finish the corridor you'll find a small statue, with what seems to be a gargoyle. The statue has the following inscription, which is really a riddle:

"I am the creature of the night and dwell in the shadows of the light.

Who shall feel my thirsting breath is fated the life of living doom!"

With that description, it's obvious that the solution (which you have to type, no matter the version of the game) is a VAMPIRE, right? Doing so moves the statue and opens the door (it's not case sensitive, by the way). But what if you didn't knew the answer? Well, the statue emits a sound...that of leathery wings. It's time to face...!!


Mid-Boss: Werebat and 5 Black Bats

This is the first serious battle of the game, and one that's very good to develop some money and XP. The Werebat is the only dangerous enemy over here, as its bite can cause you to become poisoned. The Black Bats will be more of a nuisance than anything else, so it's really not so bad. Use Melito (or Mahalito, if you have it) on the bats and focus all your attacks on the Werebat; if you don't want to be bitten, use Bamatu to increase your AC. If someone gets bitten, save your healing spells or use Latumofis after the battle.

Once you've beaten the Werebat to your leisure (which grants a good amount of gold and some expensive items, such as Padded Leather armor), you can focus on what you want; getting forward.

Entering the secret section of the temple, you'll find yourself on a fork to two paths. Walking around will get you an interesting encounter with Ironose, the dwarf.

Ironose will be friendly towards you, much like G'bli does, and will offer you some information regarding the Orb of Llylgamyn you hold. He'll also hold something important for sale: a ?KEY (a Brass Key). Also, if you're in dire need for something, you can charm and then steal from Ironose, as he's quite daft to notice. Once you do, though, leave so that you don't have to kill him; he's not as tough as G'bli, and certainly not someone you wish to defeat anyways.

Going to the right of the fork leads to a series of rooms and corridors ending in a large room with two smaller rooms (of the same size as the room with the Orb, but at each side). The left room has a cryptic clue regarding the future of the quest:

"Where Doom Reigns Under Moonlight Sky,

There Too Shall Fall Time And All Time Lost"

The right room, though, has one creature that can be a menace to your team.

Secret Boss: Living Rock/Golem

Being a single creature, the Golem can take quite the punishment. It has more HP than the creatures in the area, and one hit can take off 20-30 points off you. Furthermore, it is quite probably the first character which can resist your magic attacks, so you may find your Mage having troubles with it. As usual, you may want your Cleric casting Bamatu, and then focus all your attacks at it, with your Thieves (and Ninjas) hiding for an Ambush. With a well-prepared party (fully healed, of course), you can defeat the Golem.

Fighting the Golem earns a whopping 1000+ XP for each party member, so make sure to rest and level up several times with each battle. It is a nice place to train, and the dropped items can sell for a pretty penny, in case you need more money for that Solemn Talisman.

However, getting the Brass Key is what you really need. Returning to the tile with the "TIME" inscription, this time go South, to the dark area.

The Motor Room

Entering the dark area, you'll have to use Dumapic more than once. Fortunately, the specific areas are easy to access. Keep going forward until you bump into a wall (you won't take damage, though; if using Dumapic, its East 8, North 4) and turn right. You'll still bump, but if you search for hidden doors there, you'll find a secret door leading right into the Motor Room. Turning left (facing East if using Dumapic) leads into a Castle Transport, where you can also reach a secluded part of level 2. You can't reach now, as you require a Token to enter; however, getting into the Motor Room allows you to get the tokens you need.

Entering the Room, you'll see a small room where you'll get an alert; you can't enter the room to your left (facing South) if the motor is "ON", and unfortunately the Motor IS turned ON. To enter, you need to deactivate the Motor, which is the door right to your...well, right, without a key. Turns out that the Brass Key you just bought allows you to enter that very same room! (Notice the pun with the top "Brass"?) Entering the room (East 6, North 4) gets you into the motor, alongside the instructions on how to activate it, which is detailed with some letters. It also mentions that to deactivate it, you need to do all the steps in reverse order. It shouldn't be so hard, but doing it wrong won't deactivate the machine and can be potentially dangerous. But, if it's a bit too hard, the steps are D, B, C, A (almost in descending order, but you switch C and B). That deactivates the motor, which allows you to proceed forward.

The next room will have a series of rooms, of which the most important is the one at your right (East 3, North 1). This leads to a small corridor which takes you to a small room, where a decaying corpse lays still. Checking the area leads to a battle.

Mid-Boss: Pale Warriors and Zombies

You may have faced the Pale Warriors already, but this is the first time you face Zombies. The latter are not very hard to face, but their attacks may poison your party members, so be very careful. Dispelling all the monsters can be done (for a supremely easy battle), but you'll get little XP for that, and it's not very good. Beating them leaves a chest, which has several things including a ?BAG (the Bag of Tokens).

With the Bag of Tokens at your disposal, you can finally advance to Level 2 of the Maze. But wait: didn't the Transport mentions something about the "Hurkle Beast"? Rest for a while, and when you do, get into the Castle Transport (at East 12, North 4). Use the Bag of Tokens here, and you'll create a small Shimmering Portal to Level 2.

Next Step: Level 2

The Llylgamyn Saga
Scenario #1 (remake) Trebor - Vampire Lord - Werdna
RPG Replay exclusive Ealton - Giles Crow - Nael - Pirika - Shool - Vance
Anime exclusive Alex - Alper - Jouza - Morgan - Randy - Sheila - Shin Gartland
Scenario #2 Alavik - Davalpus - Gnilda - Margda
CD Drama Exclusive Alan - Arheim - Juty - Maria - Samus - Weed
Scenario #3 Beyki - L'kbreth
Scenario #4 Hawkwind - Kadorto - Moradin - Mron - Prospero - Sarah - Sezmar - Trebor - Tuck - Werdna - Witch
Scenario #5 Big Max - The Duck of Sparks - Evil Eyes - The Gatekeeper - G'bli Gedook - Lord Hienmitey - Ironose - The Laughing Kettle - The Loon - The Lord of Clubs/Diamonds/Hearts/Spades - The Mad Stomper - The Mighty Yog - The Ruby Warlock - The Snatch - The SORN
Races Human - Elf - Dwarf - Gnome - Hobbit
Classes Fighter - Thief - Priest - Mage - Bishop - Samurai - Lord - Ninja
Locations Llylgamyn - Gilgamesh's Tavern - Adventurer's Inn - Boltac's Trading Post - Temple of Cant - Edge of Town - Training Grounds - Lair of Werdna (#1) - Temple of Gnilda (#2)
Groups, objects, and concepts The Softalk All-Stars - Statue of Bear (#1) - Statue of Frog (#1) - Blue Ribbon (#1) - Amulet of Werdna (#1) - Hrathnir (#2) - Knight of Diamonds Equipments (#2) - Staff of Gnilda (#2) - Ship in Bottle (#3) - Alignment Crystals (#3) - Orb of Earithin (#3) - Dreampainter Ka (#4) - Mythril Gloves (#4) - Holy Hand Grenade of Aunty Ock (#4) - East Wind Sword (#4) - East Wind Sword (#4) - Dragon's Claw (#4) - Kris of Truth (#4) - King of Diamonds (#5) - Queen of Hearts (#5) - Jack of Spades (#5) - Ace of Clubs (#5) - Orb of Llylgamyn (#5)
Albums We Love Wizardry - Suite Wizardry II: Legacy of Llylgamyn - Suite Wizardry III: Knight of Diamonds - Suite Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom - Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga - Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord Original Game Soundtrack
Novels Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord - The Story of Alavik and Margda - Knight of Diamonds - Legacy of Llylgamyn - Heart of the Maelstrom - Wizardry Novel: Ash and Youth Side by Side - Novel II: The Wind. Has it reached Dragon?
Other media Quest of Hrathnir - Anime - Wizardry RPG Replay - Wizball
Compilations The Wizardry Trilogy: Scenarios I, II & III - I-II - Trilogy 2 - III-IV - The Ultimate Wizardry Archives - Llylgamyn Saga - New Age of Llylgamyn - Story of Llylgamyn - Pay Wizardry - Wizardry Original
Spells Scenario #1-#4 - Scenario #2 (Nintendo) - Scenario #5
Monsters Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 (Do-gooders) - Scenario #5
Weapons Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Equipments Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Items Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Walkthrough Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Miscellaneous Achievements (PGMO remake) - Patch notes (PGMO remake)