List of The Return of Werdna Weapons

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This page lists all of the weapons in Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna. Note that Werdna can only equip weapons associated with his personal mage class.

Weapon Unidentified Type Class AC ST AT Damage Other effects and notes
Holy Hand Grenade of Aunty Ock A Jeweled Fruit Grenade M 0 0 0 0~0 Cursed. Explodes after 4 actions when discarded in B1-E15N15.
East Wind Sword A Green Sword Sword M 0 50 1 5~20 (5D4) Resist Fire. Required for one of the game's multiple endings.
West Wind Sword A Blue Sword Sword M 0 75 2 1~1 (1D1) Can decapitate. Resist Cold. Required for one of the game's multiple endings.
Dragon's Claw A Golden Sword Sword M 0 50 0 6~20 (2D8+4) Can attack multiple times up to 4. Resist Spells, Fire, Cold. Required for one of the game's multiple endings.
Hopalong Carrot The Orange Rod Rod M 0 0 0 0~0 (0D0) Hop to the adjacent room at B7-E5N8.
Kris of Truth Clear Light Sword M 0 0 0 0~0 (0D0) Required for the game's secret ending.
Long Sword Sword Sword FSLN 0 4 0 1~8 (1D8) --
Short Sword Sword Short Sword FTSLN 0 3 0 1~6 (1D6) --
Anointed Mace Knobbed Stick Mace FPBSLN 0 2 0 2~6 (2D3) --
Anointed Flail Stick with Chain Flail FPSLN 0 3 0 1~7 (1D7) --
Staff Stick Staff All 0 0 0 1~5 (1D5) --
Dagger Dagger Dagger FMTSLN 0 1 0 1~4 (1D4) --
Long Sword +1 Sword Sword FSLN 0 5 2 2~9 (1D8+1) --
Short Sword +1 Sword Short Sword FTSLN 0 4 2 2~7 (1D6+1) --
Mace +1 Mace Mace FPBSLN 0 3 2 3~9 (2D4+1) --
Staff of Mogref Staff Staff MB 0 1 0 1~6 (1D6) Use Mogref while equipped. Breaks 25% after usage.
Staff +2 Stick Staff All 0 2 1 3~6 (1D4) --
Dragon Slayer Sword Sword FSLN 0 1 1 2~11 (1D10+1) Vulnerable and withstand against Dragons.
Long Sword +2 Sword Sword FSLN 0 6 3 3~12 (1D10+2) --
Were Slayer Sword Sword FSLN 0 5 2 2~11 (1D10+1) Vulnerable and withstand against Beasts.
Mage Masher Sword Short Sword FMTSLN 0 5 2 2~7 (1D6+1) Cursed. Vulnerable and withstand against Mages.
Mace of Curing Knobbed Stick Mace FPBSLN 0 3 2 1~8 (1D8) Withstand against Insects. Resist Poison.
Staff of Montino Staff Staff All 0 1 1 2~6 (1D5+1) Use Montino while equipped. Breaks 10% after usage.
Blade Cusinart' Sword Sword FSLN 0 6 4 10~12 (1D3+9) Usage for Dab of Puce recipe.
Dagger +2 Dagger Dagger FMTSLN 0 3 2 3~6 (1D4+2) --
Dagger of Speed Dagger Dagger MN +3 -1 7 1~4 (1D4) Faster message speed.
Muramasa Blade Weapon Sword S 0 8 3 10~50 (1D5) Invoking grants 1 Strength. Breaks 50% after invoke usage.
Shuriken Weapon Dagger N 0 (+1) 7 3 11~15 (1D5+10) Resist Poison. Invoking grants 1 Vitality. Breaks 50% after invoke usage.
Usable Items in The Return of Werdna
Weapons Holy Hand Grenade of Aunty Ock - East Wind Sword - West Wind Sword - Dragon's Claw - Hopalong Carrot - Kris of Truth - Staff - Dagger - Staff of Mogref - Staff +2 - Mage Masher - Staff of Montino - Dagger +2 - Dagger of Speed
Armors Robes - Oxygen Mask - Lord's Garb
Mantles Good Hope Cape - Cape of Jackal - Lich's Robe - Twilight Cloak - Shadow Cloak - Darkness Cloak - Night Cloak - Entropy Cloak
Helms Maintenance Cap - Magician's Hat - Novice's Cap - Initiate Turban - Wizard Skullcap - Diadem of Malor - Skull's Cap - Adept Baldness - Cone of Silence
Gauntlets Saint Rimbo Digit - Mythril Glove
Misc Winged Boots - Cleansing Oil - Witching Rod - Aromatic Ball - Void Transducer - Inn Key - Crystal Rose - Dab of Puce - Pennonceaux - Saint K.A.'s Foot - Mordorcharge - Ring of Porfic - Amulet of Manifo - Rod of Flame - Amulet of Makanito - Ring of Healing - Ring of Dispelling - Ring of Death - Demonic Chimes - Black Candle - Black Box - Saint Trebor Rump - Bish's Tongue - Arrow of Truth - Orb of Dreams - Rallying Horn - Signet Ring - Holy Limp Wrist
Items Bloodstone - Lander Turquoise - Amber Dragon - Dreampainter Ka - Potion of Dios - Potion of Porfic - Potion of Katino - Potion of Badios - Potion of Halito - Jeweled Amulet - Potion of Badial (A/B) - Potion of Sopic - Scroll of Dilto - Potion of Dial - Ring of Masopic - Get out of Jail Free - Golden Pyrite - Arabic Diary
The Llylgamyn Saga
Scenario #1 (remake) Trebor - Vampire Lord - Werdna
RPG Replay exclusive Ealton - Giles Crow - Nael - Pirika - Shool - Vance
Anime exclusive Alex - Alper - Jouza - Morgan - Randy - Sheila - Shin Gartland
Scenario #2 Alavik - Davalpus - Gnilda - Margda
CD Drama Exclusive Alan - Arheim - Juty - Maria - Samus - Weed
Scenario #3 Beyki - L'kbreth
Scenario #4 Hawkwind - Kadorto - Moradin - Mron - Prospero - Sarah - Sezmar - Trebor - Tuck - Werdna - Witch
Scenario #5 Big Max - The Duck of Sparks - Evil Eyes - The Gatekeeper - G'bli Gedook - Lord Hienmitey - Ironose - The Laughing Kettle - The Loon - The Lord of Clubs/Diamonds/Hearts/Spades - The Mad Stomper - The Mighty Yog - The Ruby Warlock - The Snatch - The SORN
Races Human - Elf - Dwarf - Gnome - Hobbit
Classes Fighter - Thief - Priest - Mage - Bishop - Samurai - Lord - Ninja
Locations Llylgamyn - Gilgamesh's Tavern - Adventurer's Inn - Boltac's Trading Post - Temple of Cant - Edge of Town - Training Grounds - Lair of Werdna (#1) - Temple of Gnilda (#2)
Groups, objects, and concepts The Softalk All-Stars - Statue of Bear (#1) - Statue of Frog (#1) - Blue Ribbon (#1) - Amulet of Werdna (#1) - Hrathnir (#2) - Knight of Diamonds Equipments (#2) - Staff of Gnilda (#2) - Ship in Bottle (#3) - Alignment Crystals (#3) - Orb of Earithin (#3) - Dreampainter Ka (#4) - Mythril Gloves (#4) - Holy Hand Grenade of Aunty Ock (#4) - East Wind Sword (#4) - East Wind Sword (#4) - Dragon's Claw (#4) - Kris of Truth (#4) - King of Diamonds (#5) - Queen of Hearts (#5) - Jack of Spades (#5) - Ace of Clubs (#5) - Orb of Llylgamyn (#5)
Albums We Love Wizardry - Suite Wizardry II: Legacy of Llylgamyn - Suite Wizardry III: Knight of Diamonds - Suite Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom - Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga - Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord Original Game Soundtrack
Novels Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord - The Story of Alavik and Margda - Knight of Diamonds - Legacy of Llylgamyn - Heart of the Maelstrom - Wizardry Novel: Ash and Youth Side by Side - Novel II: The Wind. Has it reached Dragon?
Other media Quest of Hrathnir - Anime - Wizardry RPG Replay - Wizball
Compilations The Wizardry Trilogy: Scenarios I, II & III - I-II - Trilogy 2 - III-IV - The Ultimate Wizardry Archives - Llylgamyn Saga - New Age of Llylgamyn - Story of Llylgamyn - Pay Wizardry - Wizardry Original
Spells Scenario #1-#4 - Scenario #2 (Nintendo) - Scenario #5
Monsters Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 (Do-gooders) - Scenario #5
Weapons Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Equipments Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Items Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Walkthrough Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Miscellaneous Achievements (PGMO remake) - Patch notes (PGMO remake)