List of items in Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord

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This page lists all of the items in Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, its modern remake, and port-exclusives.

Main versions

Item Unidentified Class Buy Sell/Identify AC Other effects and notes
Broken Item Broken Item -- N/A 0 0 --
Potion of Curing Potion All 500 250 0 Cast Dios at cost of turning to Broken Item.
Potion of Neutralizing Potion All 300 150 0 Cast Latumofis at cost of turning to Broken Item.
Scroll of Sleep Scroll -- 500 250 0 Cast Katino at cost of turning to Broken Item.
Scroll of Pain Scroll -- 500 250 0 Cast Badios at cost of turning to Broken Item 25% chance.
Scroll of Fire Scroll -- 500 250 0 Cast Halito at cost of turning to Broken Item.
Ring of Jewels Ring All 5000 2500 0 Cast Dumapic.
Scroll of Agony Scroll -- 500 250 0 Cast Badios at cost of turning to Broken Item.
Potion of Glass Potion All 1500 750 0 Cast Sopic at cost of turning to Broken Item.
Scroll of Brightness Scroll -- 2500 1250 0 Cast Lomilwa at cost of turning to Broken Item.
Scroll of Darkness Scroll -- 2500 1250 0 Cast Dilto at cost of turning to Broken Item.
Potion of Healing Potion All 5000 2500 0 Cast Dial at cost of turning to Broken Item.
Ring of Shielding Ring All 10000 5000 -3 Cast Porfic at cost of turning to Broken Item 5% chance.
Ring of Rigidity Ring P 15000 7500 0 Cast Manifo at cost of turning to Broken Item 10% chance.
Rod of Flame Rod MBS 25000 12500 0 Cast Mahalito at cost of turning to Broken Item 10% chance.
Ring of Suffocation Ring All 20000 10000 0 Cast Makanito at cost of turning to Broken Item 5% chance.
Scroll of Torture Scroll -- 8000 4000 0 Cast Badial at cost of turning to Broken Item.
Ring of Healing Ring All 300000 150000 0 Restore 1 HP each step.
Ring of Dispelling Ring All 500000 250000 0 Protect against undead.
Ring of Death Ring All N/A*Coded 500000 250000 +1 Cursed. Decreases 3 HP each step.
Werdna's Amulet Amulet All N/A*Coded 99999999 66666666 -9 Restores 5 HP each step. Protect and resist against all. Cast Malor when used. Required for clearing the game and awarded by title.
Statue of Bear Statue -- N/A N/A 0 Enters E4N11 and E17N12 of B2F and B4F respectively.
Statue of Frog Statue -- N/A N/A -2 Enters E4N12 of B2F.
Key of Bronze Key -- N/A N/A 0 Enters E8N7 of B2F.
Key of Silver Key -- N/A N/A 0 Enters E8N12 of B2F.
Key of Gold Key -- N/A N/A 0 Enters E9N13 of B1F.
Blue Ribbon Ribbon -- N/A N/A 0 Enters E10N1 of B4F.

Macintosh Exclusive

Game Boy Color Exclusive

WonderSwan Color Exclusive

Weapons Long Sword - Short Sword - Anointed Mace - Anointed Flail - Staff - Dagger - Sword of Slicing - Blade of Biting - Mace of Pounding - Rod of Iron - Sword of Swishes - Épée of Dismay - Mace of Misfortune - Studly Staff - Dragon Slayer - Sword of Slashing - Épée of Excellence - Mace of Power - Were Slayer - Mage Masher - Mace of Snakes - Rod of Silence - Blade Cusinart - Épée of Disaster - Dagger of Slicing - Morbid Mace - Bent Staff - Dagger of Speed - Saber of Evil - Soul Slayer - Thieves Dagger - Muramasa Blade - Shuriken
Armors Robes - Leather Armor - Chainmail - Breastplate - Plate Mail - Padded Leather - Shiny Chain - Sturdy Plate - Body Armor - Rotten Leather - Corroded Chain - Broken Breastplate - Treated Leather - Elven Chain - 1st Class Plate - Chain of Evil - Neutral Plate - Robe of Curses - Leather of Loss - Chain of Curse - Devil's Breastplate - Breastplate of Boons - Armor of Heroes - Armor of Lords - Armor of Freon - Armor of Evil
Shields Small Shield - Large Shield - Iron Shield - Screwy Shield - Shield of Support - Shield of Evil - Shield of Nothing - Shield of Defense
Helms Helm - Helm of Hardiness - Helm of Evil - Ring of Movement - Helm of Hangovers
Gauntlets Copper Gloves - Silver Gloves
Items Broken Item - Potion of Dios - Potion of Latumofis - Potion of Katino - Potion of Badios (A/B) - Potion of Halito - Jeweled Amulet - Potion of Sopic - Scroll of Lomilwa - Scroll of Dilto - Potion of Dial - Ring of Porfic - Amulet of Manifo - Rod of Flame - Amulet of Makanito - Scroll of Badial - Ring of Healing - Priest's Ring - Ring of Death - Amulet of Werdna - Statue of Bear - Statue of Frog - Bronze Key - Silver Key - Gold Key - Blue Ribbon
The Llylgamyn Saga
Scenario #1 (remake) Trebor - Vampire Lord - Werdna
RPG Replay exclusive Ealton - Giles Crow - Nael - Pirika - Shool - Vance
Anime exclusive Alex - Alper - Jouza - Morgan - Randy - Sheila - Shin Gartland
Scenario #2 Alavik - Davalpus - Gnilda - Margda
CD Drama Exclusive Alan - Arheim - Juty - Maria - Samus - Weed
Scenario #3 Beyki - L'kbreth
Scenario #4 Hawkwind - Kadorto - Moradin - Mron - Prospero - Sarah - Sezmar - Trebor - Tuck - Werdna - Witch
Scenario #5 Big Max - The Duck of Sparks - Evil Eyes - The Gatekeeper - G'bli Gedook - Lord Hienmitey - Ironose - The Laughing Kettle - The Loon - The Lord of Clubs/Diamonds/Hearts/Spades - The Mad Stomper - The Mighty Yog - The Ruby Warlock - The Snatch - The SORN
Races Human - Elf - Dwarf - Gnome - Hobbit
Classes Fighter - Thief - Priest - Mage - Bishop - Samurai - Lord - Ninja
Locations Llylgamyn - Gilgamesh's Tavern - Adventurer's Inn - Boltac's Trading Post - Temple of Cant - Edge of Town - Training Grounds - Lair of Werdna (#1) - Temple of Gnilda (#2)
Groups, objects, and concepts The Softalk All-Stars - Statue of Bear (#1) - Statue of Frog (#1) - Blue Ribbon (#1) - Amulet of Werdna (#1) - Hrathnir (#2) - Knight of Diamonds Equipments (#2) - Staff of Gnilda (#2) - Ship in Bottle (#3) - Alignment Crystals (#3) - Orb of Earithin (#3) - Dreampainter Ka (#4) - Mythril Gloves (#4) - Holy Hand Grenade of Aunty Ock (#4) - East Wind Sword (#4) - East Wind Sword (#4) - Dragon's Claw (#4) - Kris of Truth (#4) - King of Diamonds (#5) - Queen of Hearts (#5) - Jack of Spades (#5) - Ace of Clubs (#5) - Orb of Llylgamyn (#5)
Albums We Love Wizardry - Suite Wizardry II: Legacy of Llylgamyn - Suite Wizardry III: Knight of Diamonds - Suite Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom - Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga - Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord Original Game Soundtrack
Novels Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord - The Story of Alavik and Margda - Knight of Diamonds - Legacy of Llylgamyn - Heart of the Maelstrom - Wizardry Novel: Ash and Youth Side by Side - Novel II: The Wind. Has it reached Dragon?
Other media Quest of Hrathnir - Anime - Wizardry RPG Replay - Wizball
Compilations The Wizardry Trilogy: Scenarios I, II & III - I-II - Trilogy 2 - III-IV - The Ultimate Wizardry Archives - Llylgamyn Saga - New Age of Llylgamyn - Story of Llylgamyn - Pay Wizardry - Wizardry Original
Spells Scenario #1-#4 - Scenario #2 (Nintendo) - Scenario #5
Monsters Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 (Do-gooders) - Scenario #5
Weapons Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Equipments Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Items Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Walkthrough Scenario #1 - Scenario #2 - Scenario #3 - Scenario #4 - Scenario #5
Miscellaneous Achievements (PGMO remake) - Patch notes (PGMO remake)